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Az sum si az,vupreki konkurenciqta!
Ne se natrapvam,za da ne me otblusnat!
Ne stoq mnogo dalech,za da ne me zabravqt!
Nepoznata sum ,za da buda interesna!
Nedostupna sum,za da buda obichana!

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Îáè÷àì òå ïîìíè, â ñúðöåòî ñè ìè òè. Ãðåøêèòå òè ùå ïðîùàâàì è òè îáåùàâàì, ÷å òâîÿ âèíàãè îñòàâàì!!!


Ñëåäâàù ïîñòèíã

1. àíîíèìåí - maimun4eto_23
30.10.2007 22:16
tva sa nai qkite spomeni koito sam 4ela
2. àíîíèìåí - sanichka
31.10.2007 21:22
bravo mn qki spomencheta :P
3. àíîíèìåí - dani
15.11.2007 20:04
super sa tiq spomen4eta
4. àíîíèìåí - SiMoN4ety
21.11.2007 14:16
Bravo mili4ka saita ti e super :P {}{} {}{}{}
5. 270590 - Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation
23.11.2007 17:07
Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation
6. àíîíèìåí - nin4eto
27.11.2007 12:35
super sponen4eta br na teb sehi:)
7. àíîíèìåí - Radi
29.11.2007 23:52
Evalka Macka veliki sa :))
8. àíîíèìåí - korneliq_zl
01.12.2007 11:44
mn qki spomeni
9. àíîíèìåí - dskskldslk
04.12.2007 10:50
teq spomen4eta sa mn mn mn mn mn qki4kiiiii:}
10. àíîíèìåí - Presi
04.12.2007 22:19
Mn00 qki sp0mencheta....syper sa :)))
11. àíîíèìåí - g7cv
05.12.2007 10:25
m qko mn gotini spomen4eta
mn me kefqt
12. àíîíèìåí - meee
08.12.2007 10:28
mn sa qky spomenchetata kefat me totalno :pPpPpP~
13. àíîíèìåí - nqmam dumi spomenite sa the best mn ...
09.12.2007 22:38
nqmam dumi spomenite sa the best mn qki :)))
14. àíîíèìåí - spomenite sa jestokii mnogo me k...
15.12.2007 02:41
spomenite sa jestokii mnogo me kefqt bravo
15. àíîíèìåí - VikS
20.12.2007 15:08
TEz Sa V1rha mno0 Qki
16. àíîíèìåí - o mn qki spomeni mn sa gotini
22.12.2007 22:15
o mn qki spomeni mn sa gotini
17. àíîíèìåí - geri
22.12.2007 22:17
spomenchetata sam mnogo qki ama mnogo qki mn me kefqt
18. àíîíèìåí - nafito0o
25.12.2007 13:23
ebaa tfa super ludi spomeni kartqt pt vsqkade br br :P
19. àíîíèìåí - on6z
26.12.2007 21:36
ap'F .... gotino ama ako ne se povtarqshe edin i syshti spomen po 34675 hilqdi pyti
20. àíîíèìåí - nansi
27.12.2007 00:52
bravo bravo super sa
21. àíîíèìåí - ot leksa_milar
27.12.2007 15:57
brava vse taka i tva e s s golqmo vpe4atlenie izlizam ot saita bay bay
22. àíîíèìåí - az sammo obicam kurvite za6toto ...
27.12.2007 22:48
az sammo obicam kurvite za6toto stqh moga dariga mkakto sikam
23. àíîíèìåí - evito
28.12.2007 00:24
mn qki spomeni po qki nesam 4ela dosega exa sauper me kefqt br br
24. àíîíèìåí - rsuper qki spomen4eta no imasH n...
28.12.2007 09:07
rsuper qki spomen4eta no imasH nqkoi koito se povtarqt
25. àíîíèìåí - Vivi
30.12.2007 15:07
malee mnogo qki spomeni koito sa i mnogo zabavni....napravo mnogo me kefatt....mnogo uspeh4ata na 4oveka koito gi e napisal: :)
26. àíîíèìåí - ghfhf
03.01.2008 13:36
s dve dumi nqmam dumi prosto a super tezi spomen4eta po qki en sam i 4ela..br br
27. àíîíèìåí - :):):)
03.01.2008 15:22
strahotni sa macko
28. àíîíèìåí - desito
05.01.2008 01:29
perfektni spomen4eta....... bravo macko
29. àíîíèìåí - mariqnica
05.01.2008 18:55
e**h az tiq spomeni e ... mn sa qki... :):):)
30. àíîíèìåí - hrisi
07.01.2008 20:12
nqkoi sa jestoki drugi nqmat smisal :)
31. àíîíèìåí - mimi
08.01.2008 21:52
spomenchetata sa super ne!BRAVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
32. àíîíèìåí - ViKiTyYy
09.01.2008 01:13
mn qki spomeni
33. àíîíèìåí - nema da vi kaja
09.01.2008 15:51
maliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ebasi tapite spomeni
34. àíîíèìåí - nema da vi kaja
09.01.2008 15:51
maliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ebasi tapite spomeni
35. àíîíèìåí - sladura
09.01.2008 15:53
emi noo znam
36. àíîíèìåí - ...SnEjEnCeTyYy...
09.01.2008 15:54
QkIcHkI Sa.. :P xahaxaha
37. àíîíèìåí - {MiLeNkAaA}
09.01.2008 15:56
off sa nemoga da mislq
38. àíîíèìåí - MuNichKoTo C(=
10.01.2008 20:03
mn sa gotinki tezi spomencheta bravo :) !!!
39. àíîíèìåí - gotini saa
10.01.2008 20:15
gotini saa
40. àíîíèìåí - mn ama mn qko
11.01.2008 15:19
prosto po qkiiiii spomencheta ne sym vijdala
41. àíîíèìåí - super e
11.01.2008 21:27
super e
42. àíîíèìåí - 64h2
12.01.2008 21:18
spr ste be horaaaa
43. àíîíèìåí - mf5t
12.01.2008 23:18
az mislq za spomenit e,4e sa super qki i mnogo haresvat vseki pat si kopiram i si ka4vam razli4ni v skaip{a}
44. àíîíèìåí - as
15.01.2008 21:42
ludi spomen4eta
45. àíîíèìåí - azzz
16.01.2008 16:10
mn qki spomeniii!!!straxotni saaa!!!
46. àíîíèìåí - renityyyy
17.01.2008 00:35
saita ti e mn qk ako sloji6 o6te takiva sponem4eta 6a e super kwfi me mnn
47. àíîíèìåí - sladurana
18.01.2008 13:49
bravo mili4ka strahotni spomen4eta mn me kefqt ;) :)
48. àíîíèìåí - vsichki spomeni sa mnogo qki i mnogo ...
19.01.2008 10:18
vsichki spomeni sa mnogo qki i mnogo me kefat
49. àíîíèìåí - ??????
20.01.2008 18:26
ima gotini spomeni no ima i spomeni koito sa mnooo be3interesni
50. àíîíèìåí - Nincheto
22.01.2008 12:17
super qki4ki spomen4eta :)
51. àíîíèìåí - lellelle super sa spomenite. . . ;] ...
23.01.2008 08:29
lellelle super sa spomenite... ;] bravo
52. àíîíèìåí - www.nadincetyy.znih.com
26.01.2008 21:54
53. àíîíèìåí - :)
26.01.2008 22:05
mi nqkoi sa spr qki ama ima i tapi4ki !!!!!!!
54. àíîíèìåí - asda
28.01.2008 19:31
awe vii ludi li ste we , BASI TUPITE SPOMENI , SHTO SA PISANI TAI NEGRAMOTNO !?????????
55. àíîíèìåí - anonimen
30.01.2008 19:07
basi kolko ste negramotni we xora
56. àíîíèìåí - Violinka
31.01.2008 14:14
xaxa...SpoMenCheTaTa sa Syper...mn me kefat..evala na tozi koito gi e pisal :)
57. àíîíèìåí - X&X&X
31.01.2008 21:57
qki sa bravi macka
58. àíîíèìåí - !
01.02.2008 16:52
ne mi dopadat osobenno tiq spomeni
59. àíîíèìåí - vil4ii
02.02.2008 19:35
em ne sa koi znae kfo ama stava ::D :)
60. àíîíèìåí - !
03.02.2008 17:04
mn gotinki sa :))))))))))))))))))))
61. àíîíèìåí - !
03.02.2008 17:04
mn gotinki sa :))))))))))))))))))))
62. àíîíèìåí - !
03.02.2008 17:04
mn gotinki sa :))))))))))))))))))))
63. àíîíèìåí - !
03.02.2008 17:04
mn gotinki sa :))))))))))))))))))))
64. àíîíèìåí - !
03.02.2008 17:04
mn gotinki sa :))))))))))))))))))))
65. àíîíèìåí - |DK|_FiGhTiNgFoRcE_|DK|
07.02.2008 12:57
mn sa hybavi spomen4etata ;]
66. àíîíèìåí - TeD`
07.02.2008 17:08
Mn QkI SpOmEnChEtA ;) SuPeRsKi Mn mE RaDvAt ;] AmA IsKaM OsHtE :P
67. àíîíèìåí - anonimen
08.02.2008 14:33
mnogo sa gotini tezi spomeni ako gi nqma glypostite
68. àíîíèìåí - hahahahahaha
08.02.2008 18:53
mn sa hubavi
69. àíîíèìåí - mimityyy
11.02.2008 20:24
adsite komentari bace
70. àíîíèìåí - mimityyy
11.02.2008 20:25
71. àíîíèìåí - mimityyy
11.02.2008 20:26
rva sa nai0qkite spomencheta vsichi gi prepisah ohh izpotih sa beee
72. àíîíèìåí - braoooooooo we mno sa yaki spome...
16.02.2008 15:11
braoooooooo we mno sa yaki spomenite brao brao haresami
73. àíîíèìåí - sladuranata
16.02.2008 15:13
mnooo sa yaki spomeni mno mi haresa bravo
74. àíîíèìåí - mnogo qki spomencheta ama navsq...
17.02.2008 18:46
mnogo qki spomencheta ama navsqkade samo edni i s1shti :D:D:D
75. àíîíèìåí - íå ñàì ãè ïðî÷åëà âñè÷êèòå íî ìèñëÿ ...
20.02.2008 19:43
íå ñàì ãè ïðî÷åëà âñè÷êèòå íî ìèñëÿ ÷å ñà ÿêè èòî ìíîãî íàëè ñëàäóðè øîì å çà ëóáîâòà êî ùå êàèòå ëå ìàëêè êîïåëåòà
76. àíîíèìåí - darityy
28.02.2008 18:19
mm... supiLL ee :**: pishi f skype darito_95
77. àíîíèìåí - talismanchet0o0o
02.03.2008 13:14
mn sa qki teq sp0meni...
78. àíîíèìåí - seska
04.03.2008 17:30
mn mn qki spomen4eta br br...
79. àíîíèìåí - Sladyrchity_1123
04.03.2008 18:33
mnogyyyyyyyyyyy e qkyyyyyyyyy
80. àíîíèìåí - Qn4eTy
08.03.2008 21:23
Mnogo sa Qki spomen4etata :) bravo ~PpP~
81. àíîíèìåí - mn saaaaaaaaaaaaa qki
09.03.2008 12:28
bravo mn qki spomencheta v tqh ima mnogo istina i pou4itelnost bravo oshte vednuj super si!!!!
82. àíîíèìåí - ivetchetuUu95
09.03.2008 12:30
bravo mn qki spomencheta v tqh ima mnogo istina i pou4itelnost bravo oshte vednuj super si!!!!
83. àíîíèìåí - manichence
13.03.2008 15:20
syper qki spomencheta pozdravleniqq {} prodaljavaite da pravite takiva qki saitcheta s hubavi spomencheta...povqrvaite mi struva si :P ;)
84. àíîíèìåí - ioni
16.03.2008 18:51
bravo spomenite sa super :) mn me kefet!!!!!!
85. àíîíèìåí - merityy
18.03.2008 01:21
maleee super sa be milaaaaaaaa.............
86. àíîíèìåí - nema
18.03.2008 21:42
baxti qkite spomeni!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............nooo sa qki xorca
87. àíîíèìåí - p0ls
21.03.2008 10:01
.. mMmM m0yy sladinkii .. {{{}}}
88. àíîíèìåí - ot elito
21.03.2008 15:39
mn gotnki spomencheta :P bravo mili4ka
89. àíîíèìåí - mn qki spomencheta br
22.03.2008 14:40
mn qki spomencheta br
90. àíîíèìåí - qkoooo br super sa!!!
04.04.2008 20:20
qkoooo br super sa!!!
91. àíîíèìåí - Nincheto:)
07.04.2008 12:04
mn qki4ki spomeni super sa :)))
92. àíîíèìåí - deni4ka
08.04.2008 23:05
neka i az da si ostaq mnenieto .. xixi naistina spomenite sa mn qki br ... no edinstenata zabelejka e 4e ima nqkoi spomeni koito ve4e vseki znai i sa mnooooooogo bezinteresni ina4e kato cqlo si4ko e 6+ aide mace si4ko nai nai!
93. àíîíèìåí - Nadeto
10.04.2008 21:45
mnogo qki spomen4eta :P
94. àíîíèìåí - JiNiToOo{{{}}}
10.04.2008 23:19
oleeeeee basiQkIte SPomeNi!!!!!
95. àíîíèìåí - sa6eto
12.04.2008 09:50
ìíîãî ãîòèíè ñïîìåíè õàðåñàõà ìè ìíîãî
96. àíîíèìåí - stefity
21.04.2008 10:06
mn qki spomen4eta ama nqko se poftarqt po 2 puti e i kfo ot tfa toq sait s spomeni bie si4ki rekordi :)
97. àíîíèìåí - u3ca
22.04.2008 09:37
abe staa , makar che ima i po qkichki :P
98. swedyyy - prosto sa unikalni nqkoi ;) mn sa ...
26.04.2008 23:25
prosto sa unikalni nqkoi ;) mn sa dobri
99. àíîíèìåí - CvEtI
02.05.2008 11:57
Mn qki spomen4eta :))))
100. àíîíèìåí - natali
02.05.2008 22:10
spomen4etata sa nai-qkite,koito sum 4ela da sega ;))))))
101. àíîíèìåí - mn sa qki ;]
03.05.2008 20:32
mn sa qki ;]
102. àíîíèìåí - kukla
04.05.2008 14:09
pffff em...da ima mn qki someni,no nqkoi ve4e sa izturkani...
103. àíîíèìåí - nruu
04.05.2008 21:55
mn qki spomencheta mn mi haresvat
104. àíîíèìåí - exee bra0o0 mno0 qki spomencHeta ...
05.05.2008 19:55
exee bra0o0 mno0 qki spomencHeta :):);)
105. àíîíèìåí - ÕðèñêàòÀàÀ
06.05.2008 23:40
Ìíîãî ñà ÿêè èñêàì è àç òàêèâà ËîfFfF
106. àíîíèìåí - ani_bani
09.05.2008 22:41
e super sa kvo moga da kaja pove4e ot tcvanka eeeeee nemam dumi prosto SSSUUUPPPEEERRR
107. àíîíèìåí - rktv
10.05.2008 23:00
mn qki az ot tuk si pi6a vav tedradkata za spomeni i tam ima mn hubavi naprimer da te tursq zabravi da te izkam ne mersi :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
108. àíîíèìåí - 6u6inkaa
11.05.2008 00:09
Mn sa Qki mersi mn (hug) :*
109. àíîíèìåí - bonbon4etooo
15.05.2008 12:23
mi ne sa 4ak tolkova zabavni ima na sveta i po zabavni
110. àíîíèìåí - mn qkoo
18.05.2008 15:37
ee tfa e nai-qkoto saitche we
111. àíîíèìåí - mn sa sladki :) brafo
23.05.2008 15:36
mn sa sladki :) brafo
112. àíîíèìåí - [_~..*BloNditu*..~_]
24.05.2008 22:45
Mn0gUu qKi sp0meNcHeta
113. àíîíèìåí - {{{BoByLiNa}}}
28.05.2008 20:46
vaaa tezi spomen4eta sa mn mn mn mn mn qki
114. àíîíèìåí - mn qki spomen4eta brv {{}}
29.05.2008 18:41
mn qki spomen4eta brv {{}}
115. àíîíèìåí - by:HRISI
29.05.2008 18:42
the best
116. àíîíèìåí - h8mf
06.06.2008 22:25
mn mn mn qki spomen4eta koito pokazvat stinata za slqpite hukli
117. àíîíèìåí - iletooo
10.06.2008 16:24
mn qki spomeni s tqh moje6 da zatvori6 ustite i na nai golemite fukli
118. àíîíèìåí - hafize
10.06.2008 22:09
lubovta e sladaka no pravi 4oveka na patka.... ne me 4akay v gorata nyama benzin v kolata ............. 4akayme v legloto idvam s koleloto
119. àíîíèìåí - naistina kyrtqt. . . spr sa (y) :)
28.06.2008 22:41
naistina kyrtqt...spr sa (y) :)
120. àíîíèìåí - ^danit0o0o^
01.07.2008 16:55
toq sait na men lichno mnoo mi haresa :D
121. àíîíèìåí - bebetyyy
08.07.2008 15:53
mn sa qki4ki -]]]
122. àíîíèìåí - vikichka
11.07.2008 10:15
no coment
prosto sa super
123. àíîíèìåí - sladkata_ligla
14.07.2008 00:48
em kvo da kaja tva sa mn qki spomen4eta ;]
124. àíîíèìåí - eee syper sa
15.07.2008 10:50
eee syper sa
125. àíîíèìåí - dEsEncEty
19.07.2008 14:24
eEe nAi pOsLe dA vIdQ nQkOi dA sE pOsTaRaE v pRaVeNeTo nA sAit!!! Si4kiTe sA sUpEr QkI!!!!!
126. àíîíèìåí - m1nIk_93
19.07.2008 14:27
xix qki4kyyy {} {} {} isk1m skype n1 tfa ditenci det e napraily t1kos hubay sait4i
127. àíîíèìåí - KuRvA_Za_EbaNe
19.07.2008 14:29
typi sa sichkite :( :( _|_
128. àíîíèìåí - mn gotini spomeni
25.07.2008 11:34
mn gotini spomeni
129. àíîíèìåí - danincety
30.07.2008 08:36
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
130. àíîíèìåí - aLekSsss
06.08.2008 23:08
mnogo sa gotini spomenchetata... Bravo :P~ ;]]
131. àíîíèìåí - dante19
07.08.2008 15:41
aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bahtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6ibanite ti samo kopirva6 we kyrvo :D nimoi6 si izmisli6 sama ama kakto i da e nali si t1pa ((:
132. àíîíèìåí - bravo, super sa po4ti vsi4ki si k...
08.08.2008 23:33
bravo,super sa po4ti vsi4ki si kopirax ;) yspex4eta
133. àíîíèìåí - Simona
10.08.2008 20:06
ei mnogo sa gotini spomenite!!!bravo mn dobre si gi podbrala,no shte te pomolq ne6to nameri oshte podobni i gi dobavi che tezi ve4e gi napravih izvestni :D :P pls sloji o6te :)
134. àíîíèìåí - Öåíòúð íà Äâå ìîãèëè
10.08.2008 21:36
sjjdlxkzi hfushndfhsdfn kl j j hi ojtdri roesiu89n dih8544563r
135. àíîíèìåí - si4ki spomeni sa poftarqt pone po 3 ...
13.08.2008 11:57
si4ki spomeni sa poftarqt pone po 3 putiii ina4e sa qkinkii
136. àíîíèìåí - stella
20.08.2008 22:35
mn qki spomen4eta ama mnn
137. àíîíèìåí - savi
24.08.2008 21:37
ne sa zle ;)
138. àíîíèìåí - 5zhr
04.09.2008 17:53
saita e mnoo qk
139. àíîíèìåí - 5zhr
04.09.2008 17:53
saita e mnoo qk
140. àíîíèìåí - desi
05.09.2008 20:43
nekoi spomen4eta sa qki no nekoi ne!
141. àíîíèìåí - super super qki spomen4eta
05.09.2008 23:35
super super qki spomen4eta
142. àíîíèìåí - dobavi o6te spomeni :P tiq sa varha ...
11.09.2008 23:13
dobavi o6te spomeni :P tiq sa varha :P
143. àíîíèìåí - mn se gotinki {}{} i sa dostihka i ...
20.09.2008 20:41
mn se gotinki {}{} i sa dostihka i tove mi haresva
144. àíîíèìåí - t1po
24.09.2008 19:35
male male kolko t1po
145. àíîíèìåí - gotinki sa ...
30.09.2008 18:11
òåñòúò å ãîòèí, íî íå ÷åòåòå îòãîâîðèòå ïðåäâàðèòåëíî!!!
Íå ãëåäàéòå îòãîâîðèòå ïðåäè äà ñå îòãîâîðèëè íà âúïðîñèòå, èíà4å íÿìà äà âè å èíòåðåñíî! È òàêà:
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿ òè öâÿò îò òåçè - Æúëò,÷åðåí,çåëåí,ñèí èëè ÷åðâåí
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë: À-P,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå
5 .Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å-÷åðåí èëè áÿë
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá
7.Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å: Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ.
×åðåí - Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí.
Çåëåí - Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå.
Ñèí - Òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð.
Æúëò - Òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ð - Èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð - Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå
Ñ-ß - Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå
âëþáèë â òîçè, êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë.
Àïðèë-Þíè - Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî.
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè.
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå
îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5.Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî
ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ.
Áÿëî - Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå
íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7.Òîâà å áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå òè ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà.
8.Àêî èçáåðåø:
Êàëèôîðíèÿ - Îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà.
Ôëîðèäà - Ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9.Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - Âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí.
Îêåàí - Òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10.Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå, àêî ïóñíåøòîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ!!!
ÓÑÏÅÕ!!!! ...»
146. àíîíèìåí - I LOVE S**V*
15.10.2008 19:02
147. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
15.10.2008 22:11
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
148. àíîíèìåí - ...Mnogo qko...
19.10.2008 17:43
Tiq qki spomeni napravo me obiha ne moje da ima po qki ot tqh do sega sym chela mnogo spomeni,no ne i tolkova hubavi i taka s mnogo qki shriftove!!!Pak shte kaja che nqma po gotski spomencheta ot rezi sladurcheta!!!:):):)
149. àíîíèìåí - mN MN MN mnM qKoOoo, . . . . . sP Sa 5+
25.10.2008 15:26
mN MN MN mnM qKoOoo ,..... sP Sa 5+
150. àíîíèìåí - vaaf
26.10.2008 20:29
mn qki spomeni
151. àíîíèìåí - e da we MnoOo0 sa qki Da Ne BIva da sa ...
29.10.2008 01:07
e da we MnoOo0 sa qki Da Ne BIva da sa VdigaLi ShtaNgi a baCe Bece I LeLq eLq xD (rofl)
152. àíîíèìåí - gavi
30.10.2008 20:53
spomenite sa mnogo qki
153. àíîíèìåí - edin petel si chesheshe bajao star
06.11.2008 00:08
edin petel si chesheshe bajao star
154. àíîíèìåí - br br. . spomen4etata sa spr qki. . br ...
06.11.2008 22:34
br br.. spomen4etata sa spr qki.. br na toq koito e napravil tiq sait :)
155. àíîíèìåí - iaki sa
14.11.2008 20:53
mno iaki spomen4eta ne sam 4ela takiva predi
ackite sa
156. àíîíèìåí - xaxaxa
14.11.2008 20:54
xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa sme6nite s tei va6ite spomeni we xaxaxaxaxax o6te vednaj xaxxa
157. àíîíèìåí - xaxaxa
14.11.2008 20:54
xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa sme6nite s tei va6ite spomeni we xaxaxaxaxax o6te vednaj xaxxa
158. àíîíèìåí - xaxaxa
14.11.2008 20:54
xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa sme6nite s tei va6ite spomeni we xaxaxaxaxax o6te vednaj xaxxa
159. àíîíèìåí - cuec
15.11.2008 16:45
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ17. àíîíèìåí - zdr tova e qko
02.07 13:01
160. àíîíèìåí - cuec
15.11.2008 16:46
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ17. àíîíèìåí - zdr tova e qko
02.07 13:01
161. àíîíèìåí - tova sa edni mnogo qki spomeni taka ...
17.11.2008 14:33
tova sa edni mnogo qki spomeni taka 4e ne gi propuskaite
162. àíîíèìåí - mim4y
19.11.2008 20:02
mn qki spomen4eta d`ge
163. àíîíèìåí - mim4y
19.11.2008 20:02
mn qki spomen4eta d`ge
164. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
28.11.2008 19:13
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ17. àíîíèìåí - zdr tova e qko
165. àíîíèìåí - mmmmmmm mnogo qki spomen4eta
29.11.2008 18:35
mmmmmmm mnogo qki spomen4eta
166. àíîíèìåí - 8bbw
03.12.2008 20:55
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 4as
167. àíîíèìåí - BePsSs
16.12.2008 01:23
GoTiNi sA SpOmEnChEtAtA :):):)
168. àíîíèìåí - super ... brao .. :*:*:**:*
21.12.2008 15:44
super ... brao .. :*:*:**:*
169. àíîíèìåí - RoNityy
12.01.2009 12:49
prekrasni saaa ;* takia spomeni.. tolky sa qki.. ;* thanx mnogyy ;*
170. àíîíèìåí - Bobityyy
20.01.2009 12:20
super si e sait4eto
171. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
21.01.2009 22:19
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.

1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
Çåëåí-Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå
Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø...
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
Áÿëî:Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà,íîìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àc

172. àíîíèìåí - qkoooOoOO
27.01.2009 22:48
ToQ sAiT KeFi Na mAx :) SpOmEnChEtAtA Sa uNiKaLnO dObRi :) SaMo TaKa zAnApReD UsPeH4EtA
173. àíîíèìåí - MiMcHeTyYy
22.02.2009 21:40
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.

1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
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Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø...
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
Áÿëî:Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà,íîìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ì
174. àíîíèìåí - mnogo spomeni sam chela no kato tezi ...
06.03.2009 22:58
mnogo spomeni sam chela no kato tezi drugi nqma nqma i da ima,nqmam dumi prosto
175. àíîíèìåí - MIMITYY
13.03.2009 22:44
176. àíîíèìåí - Marsiii
01.05.2009 18:04
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
177. àíîíèìåí - mnogo qki spomen4eta (hug)
07.05.2009 09:02
macka mnogo sa ti qki spomen4etata produljavai v su6tiq duh (hug) ;*
178. àíîíèìåí - qj mi huq
07.05.2009 20:02
auuuuuu 4e sa t1piiii
stra6no qki sa makar 4e ne s1m gi pro4el
179. àíîíèìåí - az obicham rikardo kaka samo 22
08.05.2009 18:05
mn sa qki ima i tapichki i bezmisleni ama bivat......drugite sa super
180. àíîíèìåí - :)
17.05.2009 00:16
poslednoto e nai qko0
181. àíîíèìåí - mn qki spomencheta {}
19.05.2009 14:03
mn qki spomencheta {}
182. àíîíèìåí - :]
19.06.2009 20:18
sq k0 da kaja za spomenchetata...ami mn sa gotinkii...e sq ima i malko typyngerski ama za tqh bez komentar...;dd.....ama dr sa mn gotinki....;*....ae tolkoz ot mene...;dd...:]
183. àíîíèìåí - sladkata__v.i.p__kukla
28.06.2009 14:47
poweshety ot spomenite sa gazarski ..;; :P
pppfff....amúúú iima i smotanii...katy cqly sa ok :* ...
184. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
29.06.2009 17:51
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
Çåëåí-Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå
Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø...
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
Áÿëî:Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà,íîìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àc
185. àíîíèìåí - ;]
11.07.2009 14:05
emm..spomenchetutu sa ok katy cqly...ima i t1pi no i hyawii mi twaa e ot men aii bye
186. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
12.07.2009 22:30
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
187. àíîíèìåí - bonbonceto_asi
23.07.2009 23:12
br br mn go sa qkiiiii _____________>> ba6 kat moqte nesa
188. àíîíèìåí - GAMENKA
09.08.2009 15:35
spomen4etata sa syperr bravo !!!
189. àíîíèìåí - Mn sa qkii
26.08.2009 12:12
Mn sa qkii
190. àíîíèìåí - tva sa nai qkite spomencheta :P:*:P
03.09.2009 11:09
tva sa nai qkite spomencheta :P:*:P
191. àíîíèìåí - straxoten
03.11.2009 16:08
bravo mila mnogo sa qki pozdravleniq cunki
192. àíîíèìåí - ...
10.11.2009 00:24
zashto vsichkite spomeni trqbva da sa kurvenskii vse tova kurvi kuchkii i tova eeeee ebahtii i horata ujas
193. àíîíèìåí - ailin
02.12.2009 18:50
mn qki spomen4eta kefiat me
194. àíîíèìåí - ...
02.12.2009 19:52
òôà å ïðîñòî óíèêàëíî...ëåëå ìîìè÷å ïèøè íà ñêàéï mimeto1725 ÁÐÀÂÎ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
195. àíîíèìåí - ludoooooooooo
27.12.2009 10:47
super komentari samo za men oyeeeeeee
196. àíîíèìåí - qkoooooOOOOo
27.12.2009 13:49
197. àíîíèìåí - test
06.01.2010 16:55
Òåñò :
1. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò èçáðîåíèòå: à. Çåëåí á. Ñèí â. Îðàíæåâ ã. ×åðåí ä. Ðîçîâ

2. Êàêúâ öâÿò å êîñàòà òè? à. Ðóñà/òúìíî ðóñà á. Êàôÿâà â. ×åðâåíà ã. ×åðíà ä. Ïëåøèâ/à èëè äðóã öâÿò
3. Êàêúâ öâÿò ñà î÷èòå òè? à. Ñâåòëî êàôÿâè á. Çåëåíè â. Êàôÿâè ã. Ñèíè ä. Ñèâè 4. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ñïîðò îò äîëó èçáðîåíèòå: à. Áàñêåòáîë á. ßäåíå â. Ôóòáîë ã. Âîëåéáîë ä. Áåéçáîë
5. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè íà÷èí íà îáùóâàíå? à. Ïî òåëåôîíà á. Ëè÷íî â. ×ðåç ÷àò ã. ×ðåç e-mail ä. ×ðåç ïèñìà0
6. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ñòèë ìóçèêà îò èçáðîåíèòå âúçìîæíîñòè: à. Ðàï á. Êúíòðè â. Õàðä ðîê ã. Ïîï ä. Ðîê
7. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè èçïúëíèòåë îò: a. Ludakris á. Tim MakGriu â. Ozi Ozbyrn ã. sync ä. Shakira
8. Êîå å ëþáèìîòî òè øîó îò èçáîðåíèòå: a. Jackass (MTV) á. The Simpsons â. SpongeBob SquarePants ã. Big Brother ä. The Osbournes
9. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ôèëì îò äîëó èçáîðíèòå: a. "Åäèí íå òúï àìåðèêàíñêè ôèëì" á. "Joy Ride" â."Çíàì êàêâî íàïðàâè ìèíàëîòî ëÿâî" ã. "Ôîðåñò Ãúìï" ä. "Øðåê"
10. Ïðåç êîé ìåñåö ñè ðîäåí/à?
11. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ïðîòèâîïîëîæíèÿ íà òâîÿ ïîë.
12. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâê îò òâîÿ ïîë.
13. Ñåãà ñè íàìèñëè æåíàëàíèå!!!
** *** ~ÎÒÃÎÂÎÐÈ~
1. à. Çåëåí - çàáàâíî å äà ñè íàîêîëî. á. Ñèí - Ñòèëåí â. Îðàíæåâ - Ñòðàõëèâ ã. ×åðåí - Ñàìîòåí ä. Ðîçîâ - Ñëàäóð
2. à. Ðóñà/òúìíî ðóñà - ×óâñòâåí á. Êàôÿâà - Îáèêíîâåí â. ×åðâåí - Òâúðä ã. ×åðåí - Íå ïîêàçâà ÷óâñòâàòà ñè. ä. Ïëåøèâ/à èëè äðóã öâÿò - Ñâîáîäåí äóõ
3. à. Ñâåòëî êàôÿâè - Ëåñåí çà ðàçáèðàíå á. Çåëåíè - Ùàñòëèâ â. Êàôÿâè - Øóìåí ã. Ñèíè - Ãîòèí ä. Ñèâè - Íåïðåäñêàöóåì
4. à. Áàñêåòáîë - Äèðåêòåí á. ßäåíå - Íèêîãà íå ñå îòêàçâà â. Ôóòáîë - Íàáëþäàòåëåí ã. Âîëåéáîë - Ìèë ä. Áåéçáîë - Ëþáâåîáèëåí
5. à. Ïî òåëåôîíà - Çàåò ïðåç öÿëîòî âðåìå á. Ëè÷íî - Êîíòàêòåí â. ×ðåç ÷àò - Ëèäåð ã. ×ðåç e-mail - Èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè ä. ×ðåç ïèñìà - Èìàø ìíîãî èäåè
6. à. Ðàï - Ïðèÿòåëñêè á. Kyntri - Ñëàäóð â. Õàðä ðîê - Äèâ ã. Ïîï - Íåîáèêíîâåí ä. Ðîê - Ñòóäåí
7. à. Ludakris - Îáè÷à äà ïðàâè êóïîíè á. Tim MakGriu - Ñåêñè â. Ozi Ozbyrn - Íåâåðîÿòåí ã.sync - Äîñàäåí ä. Shakira - Çàáàâåí
8. à. Jackass - Ñòðàõîòåí á. The Simpsons - Çàáàâåí â. Sponge Bob Square Pants - Ãîòèí ã. Big Brother - Ïðèêëþ÷åíñêè ä. The Osbournes - Çíàå êàê äà ñå çàáàâëÿâà
9. à. "Åäèí íå òúï àìåðèêàíñêè ôèëì" - Çíàå êàêâî èñêÀ á."Joy Ride" - Ñòóäåí â. "Çíàì êàêâî íàïðàâè ìèíàëîòî ëÿòî" - Çàáàâåí ã. "ôîðåñò Ãúìï" - Èìà ãîëÿìî ñúðöå ä. "Øðåê" - Åñòâåñòâåí
10. ßíóàðè - Çàáàâåí Ôåâðóàðè - Ëþáâåîáèëåí Ìàðò - Îáè÷à äà ãî çàáåëÿçâàò Àïðèë - Ëåñåí çà ðàçáèðàíå Ìàé - Îáè÷à äà å îêîëî õîðà Þíè - Ñòèëåí Þëè - Ãðóá Àâãóñò - Äîáúð ïðèÿòåë Ñåìïòåìâðè - Îáè÷à äà âëèðòóâà Îêòîìâðè - Òî÷åí Íîåìâðè-Ìèë Äåêåìâðè-ñëàäóð
11. Òîçè ÷îâåê ùå ñå âëþáè â òåá, àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã.
12. Òîçè ÷îâåê ùå òè ñòàíå âðàã, àêî íå ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã.
13. Òîâà æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå, àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 0 ãëîãà ùå èìàø 2 ãîäèíè ëîø êúñìåò. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 1-5 ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 2 ãîäèíè. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 5-10 ãëîãà, òîâåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 1 ãîèäíà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 10-15 ãëîãà, òâîòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 2 ìåñåöà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 15-20 ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáäíå äî 2 ÷àñà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 25+ ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî ïî-ìàëêî îò 1 ÷àñ
198. àíîíèìåí - qko
23.01.2010 18:56
mnogo qki :*
199. àíîíèìåí - ANI
08.02.2010 16:13
200. àíîíèìåí - mnogo qk sait pozdravleniq;)
25.02.2010 10:28
àíîíèìåí íàïèñà:
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
Çåëåí-Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå
Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø...
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
Áÿëî:Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà,íîìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àc

201. àíîíèìåí - blaa
03.03.2010 11:40
xmm znam gi ws i inache stawam :P ako nqkoi ima mng qko spomenchetaa da pishee ..
202. àíîíèìåí - BeiBuls * Inlowe ``
07.03.2010 11:27
mn sa qki br br :) ;d
203. àíîíèìåí - wiktoria
09.03.2010 17:56
spomenchetata sa mn qki i istinski
204. àíîíèìåí - ne mi puka
09.03.2010 22:39
jiveq,diveq i pravo v ochite se smeq.bila sam t1pa putka,xaxaxa che ti da ne bi da si ostra mila,ne ti si evtina i ne stryvash puknata para.s praveji gadni mi izlizash -xaxa mai sk1poto e dalech ot evtiniat ti pogled mila moq t1pa putko......
205. àíîíèìåí - CrazY_kiD_95
13.03.2010 15:18
mn Qki smomen4etaa .. nqm dumi spr sa .. no az sam gre6no momi4e i ima mn koito se otnasqt za men
206. àíîíèìåí - super
25.03.2010 00:40
super sa napravo me ubiha
207. àíîíèìåí - 223115454456
19.04.2010 18:10
amii ne sa qki 6ega zverski sa :P
208. anuuuu - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
25.04.2010 02:05
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
209. àíîíèìåí - DiDeSsS
25.04.2010 12:36
mN qKi sPoMeNi KoiTo Gi e PisAl lBraVo Na NeGo . . .
210. àíîíèìåí - loshooooooooo
26.04.2010 12:11
ne sa mn hubawi ma virsat rabota za zaribqvane
211. àíîíèìåí - by: ShuShiinkata
01.05.2010 16:19
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
212. àíîíèìåí - ....
08.05.2010 21:33
àíîíèìåí íàïèñà:
maliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ebasi tapite spomeni

Mn0uu sI tyP/a ; dd babyy ; ]]
213. àíîíèìåí - basi tapoto
11.05.2010 17:11
basi tapite spomeni tesa prosto 6ibani egati tapotiqta
214. àíîíèìåí - AZ CRAZY LADY
11.05.2010 21:22
215. àíîíèìåí - LOVE LOVE LOVE BESSTTT
11.05.2010 21:26


LADY AND JENTALMEN!!!!! sexy men and womam you besstttt
216. àíîíèìåí - LOVE LOVE LOVE BESSTTT
11.05.2010 21:29
koito kaje ce spomenite sa tupi i ako sa muje tupacite potocno sa teeee
217. àíîíèìåí - spomencheta
24.05.2010 17:48
tva sa nai qkite spomeni koito sam 4ela
218. àíîíèìåí - ala bala
26.06.2010 16:48
Mnogo sa qki teq komentarcheta i diwii .. :)
219. àíîíèìåí - anonimen
27.06.2010 13:09
mnogo sa slatki
220. àíîíèìåí - anonim....
01.07.2010 12:16
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
221. àíîíèìåí - aLexx .. [sun]]
05.07.2010 12:24
zwerskii sp0men4etta ... ;]]
222. àíîíèìåí - ujdcjjx
24.07.2010 11:44
223. àíîíèìåí - bebee ^^
08.08.2010 03:30
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
224. àíîíèìåí - ;]
01.11.2010 14:25
syper sa wsichkite
Òåñò :
1. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò èçáðîåíèòå: à. Çåëåí á. Ñèí â. Îðàíæåâ ã. ×åðåí ä. Ðîçîâ

2. Êàêúâ öâÿò å êîñàòà òè? à. Ðóñà/òúìíî ðóñà á. Êàôÿâà â. ×åðâåíà ã. ×åðíà ä. Ïëåøèâ/à èëè äðóã öâÿò
3. Êàêúâ öâÿò ñà î÷èòå òè? à. Ñâåòëî êàôÿâè á. Çåëåíè â. Êàôÿâè ã. Ñèíè ä. Ñèâè 4. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ñïîðò îò äîëó èçáðîåíèòå: à. Áàñêåòáîë á. ßäåíå â. Ôóòáîë ã. Âîëåéáîë ä. Áåéçáîë
5. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè íà÷èí íà îáùóâàíå? à. Ïî òåëåôîíà á. Ëè÷íî â. ×ðåç ÷àò ã. ×ðåç e-mail ä. ×ðåç ïèñìà0
6. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ñòèë ìóçèêà îò èçáðîåíèòå âúçìîæíîñòè: à. Ðàï á. Êúíòðè â. Õàðä ðîê ã. Ïîï ä. Ðîê
7. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè èçïúëíèòåë îò: a. Ludakris á. Tim MakGriu â. Ozi Ozbyrn ã. sync ä. Shakira
8. Êîå å ëþáèìîòî òè øîó îò èçáîðåíèòå: a. Jackass (MTV) á. The Simpsons â. SpongeBob SquarePants ã. Big Brother ä. The Osbournes
9. Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè ôèëì îò äîëó èçáîðíèòå: a. "Åäèí íå òúï àìåðèêàíñêè ôèëì" á. "Joy Ride" â."Çíàì êàêâî íàïðàâè ìèíàëîòî ëÿâî" ã. "Ôîðåñò Ãúìï" ä. "Øðåê"
10. Ïðåç êîé ìåñåö ñè ðîäåí/à?
11. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ïðîòèâîïîëîæíèÿ íà òâîÿ ïîë.
12. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâê îò òâîÿ ïîë.
13. Ñåãà ñè íàìèñëè æåíàëàíèå!!!
** *** ~ÎÒÃÎÂÎÐÈ~
1. à. Çåëåí - çàáàâíî å äà ñè íàîêîëî. á. Ñèí - Ñòèëåí â. Îðàíæåâ - Ñòðàõëèâ ã. ×åðåí - Ñàìîòåí ä. Ðîçîâ - Ñëàäóð
2. à. Ðóñà/òúìíî ðóñà - ×óâñòâåí á. Êàôÿâà - Îáèêíîâåí â. ×åðâåí - Òâúðä ã. ×åðåí - Íå ïîêàçâà ÷óâñòâàòà ñè. ä. Ïëåøèâ/à èëè äðóã öâÿò - Ñâîáîäåí äóõ
3. à. Ñâåòëî êàôÿâè - Ëåñåí çà ðàçáèðàíå á. Çåëåíè - Ùàñòëèâ â. Êàôÿâè - Øóìåí ã. Ñèíè - Ãîòèí ä. Ñèâè - Íåïðåäñêàöóåì
4. à. Áàñêåòáîë - Äèðåêòåí á. ßäåíå - Íèêîãà íå ñå îòêàçâà â. Ôóòáîë - Íàáëþäàòåëåí ã. Âîëåéáîë - Ìèë ä. Áåéçáîë - Ëþáâåîáèëåí
5. à. Ïî òåëåôîíà - Çàåò ïðåç öÿëîòî âðåìå á. Ëè÷íî - Êîíòàêòåí â. ×ðåç ÷àò - Ëèäåð ã. ×ðåç e-mail - Èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè ä. ×ðåç ïèñìà - Èìàø ìíîãî èäåè
6. à. Ðàï - Ïðèÿòåëñêè á. Kyntri - Ñëàäóð â. Õàðä ðîê - Äèâ ã. Ïîï - Íåîáèêíîâåí ä. Ðîê - Ñòóäåí
7. à. Ludakris - Îáè÷à äà ïðàâè êóïîíè á. Tim MakGriu - Ñåêñè â. Ozi Ozbyrn - Íåâåðîÿòåí ã.sync - Äîñàäåí ä. Shakira - Çàáàâåí
8. à. Jackass - Ñòðàõîòåí á. The Simpsons - Çàáàâåí â. Sponge Bob Square Pants - Ãîòèí ã. Big Brother - Ïðèêëþ÷åíñêè ä. The Osbournes - Çíàå êàê äà ñå çàáàâëÿâà
9. à. "Åäèí íå òúï àìåðèêàíñêè ôèëì" - Çíàå êàêâî èñêÀ á."Joy Ride" - Ñòóäåí â. "Çíàì êàêâî íàïðàâè ìèíàëîòî ëÿòî" - Çàáàâåí ã. "ôîðåñò Ãúìï" - Èìà ãîëÿìî ñúðöå ä. "Øðåê" - Åñòâåñòâåí
10. ßíóàðè - Çàáàâåí Ôåâðóàðè - Ëþáâåîáèëåí Ìàðò - Îáè÷à äà ãî çàáåëÿçâàò Àïðèë - Ëåñåí çà ðàçáèðàíå Ìàé - Îáè÷à äà å îêîëî õîðà Þíè - Ñòèëåí Þëè - Ãðóá Àâãóñò - Äîáúð ïðèÿòåë Ñåìïòåìâðè - Îáè÷à äà âëèðòóâà Îêòîìâðè - Òî÷åí Íîåìâðè-Ìèë Äåêåìâðè-ñëàäóð
11. Òîçè ÷îâåê ùå ñå âëþáè â òåá, àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã.
12. Òîçè ÷îâåê ùå òè ñòàíå âðàã, àêî íå ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã.
13. Òîâà æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå, àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà â íÿêîè äðóã ãëîã. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 0 ãëîãà ùå èìàø 2 ãîäèíè ëîø êúñìåò. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 1-5 ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 2 ãîäèíè. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 5-10 ãëîãà, òîâåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 1 ãîèäíà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 10-15 ãëîãà, òâîòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî 2 ìåñåöà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 15-20 ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáäíå äî 2 ÷àñà. Àêî ïðåïðàòèø òîâà íà 25+ ãëîãà, òâîåòî æåëàíèå ùå ñå ñáúäíå äî ïî-ìàëêî îò 1 ÷àñ
225. àíîíèìåí - minaaa
19.11.2010 23:16
a be vsi4ki sa ludi dori i az puk i ve4e sme na iz4ezvane......POMOGNETE NI
226. àíîíèìåí - sduhaniq
04.12.2010 15:24
awee ko ste se zapalili po tiq spomencheta!tiq ne sa ni6to osobeno
227. àíîíèìåí - abe
07.12.2010 11:56
az znai6li kolko sam napisala 500 pi6a gi i tuka stana 1 godina i sa mn po godski ot tvoitii ti samo za PUTKI govori66 xaxaxaxaxaxaxa....
228. àíîíèìåí - pozdravleniq za tupiq sait
19.12.2010 16:28
awee i az mislq kat sduhaniq...ne sa ni6to osobeno...ne znam koi gi e pisal...no sa mnogo tupi i sam sigurna 4e sam gi vijdala i v drugi saitove
229. àíîíèìåí - ;]
19.12.2010 20:01
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
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Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
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4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
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5.Àêî èçáåðåø…
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
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6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø…
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø…
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1
230. àíîíèìåí - http://spomencheta. blog. bg/...
22.12.2010 20:54
231. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
22.12.2010 20:55
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
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Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø…
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
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6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø…
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø…
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1
232. àíîíèìåí - spomen4eta
24.12.2010 21:37
mN Mn mN QkI sPoMeN4eTaAa... (hug) :P :* :P (hug)
233. àíîíèìåí - offfff malko tpooo
27.12.2010 20:06
offff malko e t1po ama toq e super. ùÎì ÂåÄíÚæ ïÐîÁóÄè Ñå æÅíÑêÀòÀ Ìè ÇëÎáÀ
[,] ñÚì ãÎòÎâÀ äÀ ÏðÀòß ÂñßêÀ ÒúÏà êÓ*Êà ÊîßòÎ òÅ õÀðÅÑà  ãÐîÁà ! ...
234. àíîíèìåí - spomen4eta
27.12.2010 21:01
235. àíîíèìåí - spomen4eta
29.12.2010 19:52
mn qki spomen4eta
236. àíîíèìåí - angel4e_ot_ada
30.12.2010 16:04
naistina sa super qki spomen4eta,prosto sa perfektni
237. àíîíèìåí - ku4kaa mu4kaa eb*te saa
04.01.2011 23:10
mn qkii sp0meni bRuTalnii ku4ka mu4ka aee za tykaa sii {}~{~}
238. àíîíèìåí - ku4ka mu4ka eb*ete saa
04.01.2011 23:13
pr0st0 mn wernii sa i niznai6.. :d
239. àíîíèìåí - 1. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùó...
07.01.2011 10:35
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2. Kîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè: æúëò, ÷åðåí, ÷åðâåí, ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3. Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4. Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5. Kîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - ÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6. Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7. Ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8. àëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9. Kîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å - åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10 .Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.



1. Òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêà, â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2. Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî - òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåí ñ ëþáîâ;
×åðåí - òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí;
Çåëåí - òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå;
Ñèí - òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð;
Æúëòî - òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà.
3. Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À- - èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà;
Ë-Ð - îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå;
Ñ-ß - îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî.
4. Àêî ñè ðîäåí ïðåç:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò - ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø, ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè, â êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë;
Àïðèë-Þíè - ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà, íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî;
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè - ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè;
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè - ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå, íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà.
5. Àêî èçáåðåø:
×åðíî - æèâîòúò òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà, ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ;
Áÿëî - ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë, êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà, íî ìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø.
6. Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë.
7. Òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè, êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè.
8. Àêî èçáåðåø:
àëèôîðíèÿ - îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà;
Ôëîðèäà - ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè.
9. Àêî èçáåðåø:
Åçåðîòî - âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí;
Îêåàí - òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà.
10. Æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àñ
240. àíîíèìåí - mn qki nadpisi no samo momicheta ...
14.01.2011 21:25
mn qki nadpisi no samo momicheta zpomnete : Ako nqkoi vi kaji 4e ve obi4a nemu vqrvai za6toto istenskata lubov ne se kazva a se dokazva:P
241. àíîíèìåí - rhg
04.02.2011 14:17
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.

1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
Çåëåí-Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå
Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
Þëè-Ñåïòåìâðè-Ùå èìàø íåçàáðàâèìà ãîäèíà ñ ìíîãî ïðîìåíè
Îêòîìâðè-Äåêåìâðè-Ãîäèíàòà íÿìà äà å îò íàé-äîáðèòå,íî ùå îòêðèåø ñðîäíà äóøà
5.Àêî èçáåðåø...
×åðíî:Æèâîòà òè ùå òðúãíå â ðàçëè÷íà ïîñîêà,ùå èìà ìíîãî ïðîìåíè è ùå ñå ðàäâàø íà òÿõ
Áÿëî:Ùå íàìåðèø ïðèÿòåë êîéòî ùå òè ñå äîâåðÿâà è ùå íàïðàâè âñè÷êî òîâà,íîìîæå è äà íå ãî ðàçáåðåø
6.Òîâà å íàé-äîáðèÿò òè ïðèÿòåë
7.òîâà ñà áðîÿò íà áëèçêèòå ïðèÿòåëè,êîèòî ùå èìàø â æèâîòà ñè
8.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Êàëèôîðíèÿ-îáè÷àø ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿòà
Ôëîðèäà-ðîìàíòè÷íà äóøà ñè
9.Àêî èçáåðåø...
Åçåðîòî-âåðåí ñè íà ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè è ñè ìàëêî ðåçåðâèðàí
îêåàí-òè ñè ñïîíòàíåí è îáè÷àø ìåñòàòà ñ ìíîãî õîðà
10.æåëàíèåòî òè ùå ñå ñáúäíå àêî ïóñíåø òîâà â äðóã ôîðóì äî 1 ÷àc
242. àíîíèìåí - syper spomencheta syper sa br br br
18.03.2011 20:39
syper spomencheta syper sa br br br
243. àíîíèìåí - uuuuuuuuuuu
19.03.2011 20:35
hai tapite i skapani spomeni ujas i maloumen moje da izmisli po xubavi uzasni sa povrasha mi se hora kak gi haresvate
244. àíîíèìåí - mn hubavi spomencheta
17.07.2011 10:24
mn sa huba vi no nqkoi sa tupi osobeno onova za kucheto i kotkata
245. àíîíèìåí - obichamte
10.09.2011 09:02
obichahte onizi den...obichahte ot vse sarce no sega te nenavijdam zashtoto te vidqh s druga!.. sega ti si mechtaesh za men i plachesh kakto az plakah onzi den i stradash kakto az onzi den!...
246. àíîíèìåí - mn sa hubavi no ima i nqkoi grozni ...
10.09.2011 09:03
mn sa hubavi no ima i nqkoi grozni osobeno onzi vtorqt
247. werichka - jjj
13.10.2011 20:45
mn sa qkii amma mnn bravoo na tebb (sunn) Superr sii siichkii sa mnn qkiii !!! naistinnaa prodaljavaii see taaka !!...
248. àíîíèìåí - ~~sweet love~~
14.10.2011 21:45
1.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñðåùóïîëîæíèÿ ïîë.
2.Êîé å ëþáèìèÿò òè öâÿò îò òåçè:æúëò,÷åðåí,÷åðâåí,ñèí èëè çåëåí?
3.Ïúðâèÿò òè èíèöèàë:À-Ð,Ë-Ð,Ñ-ß.
4.Ìåñåöúò òè íà ðàæäàíå.
5.Êîé öâÿò õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å,÷åðíî èëè áÿëî?
6.Íàïèøè èìåòî íà ÷îâåê îò ñúùèÿ ïîë êàòî òåá.
7.ëþáèìîòî òè ÷èñëî?
8.Êàëèôîðíèÿ èëè Ôëîðèäà?
9.Êîå õàðåñâàø ïîâå÷å:Åçåðîòî èëè îêåàíúò?
10.Íàïèøè æåëàíèå.
1.òîâà å èìåòî íà ÷îâåêúò,â êîéòî ñè èñòèíñêè âëþáåí.
2.Àêî ñè èçáðàë:
×åðâåíî-Òè ñè æèâ è èçïúëíåíå ñ ëþáîâ
×åðåí-Òè ñè ñêðîìåí è àãðåñèâåí
Çåëåí-Òâîÿòà äóøà å ùàñòëèâà è èçëú÷âàø ñïîêîéñòâèå
Ñèí-òè ñè ÷îâåê ñúñ ñïîíòàíåí õàðàêòåð
Æúëòî-òè ñè ùàñòëèâ ÷îâåê è äàâàø äîáðè ñúâåòè íà äðóãèòå õîðà
3.Àêî èíèöèàëúò òè å:
À-Ê-èìàø ìíîãî ïðèÿòåëè è ëþáîâ â æèâîòà
Ë-Ð-Îïèòâàø ñå äà ñå íàñëàäèø íà æèâîòà è ëþáîâòà òè ñêîðî ùå ðàçöúôíå
Ñ-ß-Îáè÷àø äà ïîìàãàø è áúäåùåòî òè èçãëåæäà äîáðî
4.Àêî ñè ðîäåí â:
ßíóàðè-Ìàðò-Ãîäèíàòà ùå å ìíîãî äîáðà è ùå ðàçáåðåø ÷å ñè ñå âëþáèë â òîçè êîéòî íå ñè î÷àêâàë
Àïðèë-Þíè-Ùå èìàø ñèëíà âðúçêà,íî òÿ íÿìà äà òðàå äúëãî
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Over the next several sessions, I continued helping Susan and James learn to become mindful of their unconscious automatic emotional reactions. This is a must knowing the reputation of the state for having one of the most stringent employment laws. There are many sensitive men who pretend to be full of bravado to put on their 'maleness'.Those who don't are considered weak or soft, and often their creativity goes unnoticed. <a href=http://lopolikuminr.com>mascots</a> He'll ask endless questions all centered on you and your life. Similarly, decorative coverings on Shofarot, such as with silver or leather, also invalidate them, making them good only to look at and not to actually use in religious ceremonies.
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08.02.2012 07:16
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08.02.2012 19:44
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13.02.2012 10:12
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13.02.2012 21:30
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13.02.2012 22:59
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It has more gold medals than Cuba, Venezuela, Portugal and Nigeria combined. <a href=http://www.glbsocial.net/blog.php?user=ramiromosley614&blogentry_id=157745>diet</a>Others may not be wearing protective equipments that is because they are already experts compared to you which is still a beginner. http://www.ziki.com/en/malcolm-harrison+857116/post/Unwanted-fat-Re+13844349 Another week and another Google Alert. <a href="http://humbertohopp24437.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315560-growing-your-penis-size-through-hand-working-out-3-types-of-workout-routines-to-maximise-your-potential">weight</a>It helps improve body recovery so you can facilitate muscle development without a hitch. And the great news is that you can be found all over your niche topic and even dominate your niche topic. Either way, you WILL be part of the revolution and we will make this happen!
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15.02.2012 19:34
It is common for any person to get an injury from any sport they are engaged in. <a href=http://edwinmcdonal1026.over-blog.com/pages/what-is-the-diet-program-resolution-program-about-6654155.html>workout</a>His diet included raw beans, nuts, and vegetables. http://community.atom.com/Post/Less-difficult-Fat-loss/03EFBFFFF025A245300080188B881 To use or create an , you must own a website. <a href="http://raulwhite1127.posterous.com/weight-loss-diet-plan-strategies-7-well-known">food</a>He is a member of Mensa and has an IQ of 142. Playing youth sports will come with a certain amount of loss to deal with. People in almost every country in the world love the game.
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15.02.2012 23:57
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Don't hesitate - Fortune favours the BraveThis article is for those people who would like to make money by writing articles for newspapers. <a href=http://dwighthatfie12.over-blog.com/pages/excess-fat-burning-diet-plans---will-the-fat-burning-furnace-provide-you-with-the-best-unwanted-fat--6639291.html>health</a>Custom Embroidered Wristbands for Tennis http://sheldonblanc750798.blog.hr/2012/02/1629975111/health-and-fitness-training-get-super-match.html Celebrities are uncovering their secret body jewelry ever day. <a href="http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1354865/journal">weight</a>There is little choice in style with typical chain type products. There are many reasons why that may happen and some of those may be genuinely beyond anyone's control - an example being exceptionally bad weather that causes difficulties during a trip. For example, a new couple who is rumored to be dating but they keep denying it and the general public sees them in the streets out an about.
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Bulimics and binge eaters due to their constant purging and over exercising and fasting can suffer from heart problems, digestive problems, bad skin and weak immunity. <a href=http://mylittlespotlesssite.onsugar.com/Past-Dieting---Your-Body-Best-Supply-Natural-Non-Diet-plan-Bodyweight-Control-21722684>diet</a>Advances in Research Techniques to Lead to a Few Surprises http://dwighthatfie12508.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12291971-unwanted-fat-burning-diets-will-the-body-fat-burning-furnace-give-you-the-very-best-fat-burning-results Peru is one of the most important coffee-producing countries; over 80 percent of global manufacturers use coffee beans from Peru. <a href="http://evankinney24.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=30178">diet</a>A muscle fiber's type is identified by the chemical composition of myosin protein within the muscle cells, but at the same time, a slow-twitch fiber hooked up to a nerve from a fast-twitch motor unit will behave more like a fast-twitch fiber. You watch, you care, but you don't intervene. The fact that no-one has written on the yes side of this debate, certainly up to now, gladdens the heart.
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17.02.2012 01:42
Ray Ban sunglasses <a href=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/humbertohopp24/read/2437580/rising-your-penis-size-by-means-of-hand-exercising-3-varieties-of-exercises-to-maximise-your-potential>fitness</a>You don't have to be a celebrity or hire a personal trainer to lose weight quickly. http://jeromejohns922.webobo.biz/journal.php?id_menu=3822650 Cycling is a one or two player event in which you race through courses on Wuhu Island. <a href="http://refugiobuck1230.posterous.com/what-is-the-most-effective-weight-loss-diet-p">weight</a>In the context of reading about current events, social commenting on reports and blog postings provides individuals with a voice they never had. Final Fantasy XIV comes with some exciting features. After all, what mattered was the atmosphere.
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17.02.2012 03:31
It is very likely that with all the fieldwork taking place in and around the province of Liaoning, that a new genus of feathered dinosaur will soon come to light. <a href=http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=horaceforbes819&blogentry_id=208366>workout</a>Present tense is active. http://mylittlespotlesssite.onsugar.com/Past-Dieting---Your-Body-Best-Supply-Natural-Non-Diet-plan-Bodyweight-Control-21722684 Why is it that a simple light bulb creates so much energy and cost? <a href="http://kennithhewit11.posterous.com/pilates-and-physical-health-and-fitness">diet</a>You need to be very careful in this category. For that performance, Weller qualified for the Summer Olympics in the Soviet Union in 1980. There is an archive of 4 minute news summaries with a written summary if you're short on time; live TV and radio if you want to just be listening in the background, and finally a huge number of full length TV and radio programmes.
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17.02.2012 04:04
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17.02.2012 23:46
The word WiFi was built by an organization named as WiFi alliance. <a href=http://danteweaver410345.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12299983-principal-facts-concerning-the-paleo-diet-regime>health</a>Every morning on your way to work, you are bound to meet more than ten people reading the morning paper. http://dwighthatfie12508.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12291971-unwanted-fat-burning-diets-will-the-body-fat-burning-furnace-give-you-the-very-best-fat-burning-results The shortage of the mitts has turned the whole thing into a super nova of gotta' get it, gotta' have it, gotta' hoard it, gotta' compete with my fellow humans, gotta' make a profit. <a href="http://bgm.me/r/736469">weight</a>Not really, because that has nothing at all to do with it, as far as they are concerned. The first NCAA Championships was held in 1921. Export increase should be completed in a like period.
279. àíîíèìåí - Question about soliloquises or manginess
18.02.2012 02:19
Similarly, this app doesn't disappoint the newspaper's fans and followers. <a href=http://colbyhobbs210.soup.io/post/230563933/Really-should-I-Be-Dieting>workout</a>Instead of berating the Greeks for not paying taxes, perhaps we should be looking at those billionaires who pay accountants millions to avoid taxation altogether. http://dwighthatfie124126.blog.hr/2012/02/1629987131/body-fat-burning-diet-plans-will-the-excess-fat-burning-furnace-give-you-the-very-best-unwanted.html Celebrity Dress Up Games <a href="http://refugiobuck1230.over-blog.com/pages/what-s-the-very-best-fat-loss-diets-6648702.html">weight</a>These are still authentic cards with authentic jersey's and autographs, and many of them are "prime" or extreme jerseys, limited number, and special edition cards. Are you looking at buying an all new exotic vehicle or looking for handy tips to maintain one? Did you know- Paraguay is the birthplace of Victor Manuel Pecci, who was one of Latin America's best tennis players in the 70s and mid-80s, along with Guillermo Vilas (Argentina) and Patricio Cornejo (Chile).
280. àíîíèìåí - What's headsprings or satisfiable
18.02.2012 04:14
This includes a good book, their make-up kit, ipod and headphones, a scarf and the like. <a href=http://juanfoley378183.blog.hr/2012/02/1629987201/health-teacher-work-description.html>weight</a>The top-circulation celebrity news magazines are People, Us Weekly, Star and Entertainment Weekly. http://www.ziki.com/en/tracey-allison-1+857275/post/Why-Great-Nouri+13844412 Consider this, when you meet a salesman working on commission, do you beg to buy his product? <a href="http://malcolmharri1025.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=30156">workout</a>She gave every last drop of it to Taylor Swift. It could be Michelle Obama or Sarah Jessica Parker in big company. As insignificant as it may sound, but socks manufactured with quality fabric are useful in keeping the player's feet dry and warm.
281. àíîíèìåí - Need more on establish and bivinyls
18.02.2012 12:18
All these places are very close to the residences, so you can have a lot of fun enjoying a wide range of sports without needing to go too far. <a href=http://www.ziki.com/en/dexter-craig+857245/post/Get-Used-Lifest+13844398>health</a>One of the greatest challenges for any relationship is when one person finds out something very disturbing about their partner's past, either accidentally or through someone else. http://karlgarner130778.blog.hr/2012/02/1629991450/health-and-fitness-exercise-routines.html Protective equipment, 5. <a href="http://mickeyelliot4102456.blog.hr/2012/02/1629984079/for-weight-loss-attempt-energy-yoga.html">diet</a>Stay away from eye formulas filled with alchohols and parabens. Here are some advices for you to choose the right and wholesale sports watch. In 1977 Swarovski invented the famous Cubic Zirconia, which closely matches the sparkle and brilliance of diamonds and revolutionised the costume jewellery industry.
282. àíîíèìåí - Question about regears and anoxic
18.02.2012 17:54
Dig marks on the shoulders and where the chest band lies <a href=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/courtneymcbr922/read/2407362/pregnant-females-diet-plans-finest-diet-program-suggestions-for-pregnant-ladies>food</a>Just stay positive! http://horaceforbes8195330.blog.hr/2012/02/1629995948/the-weekly-health-publish-stronger-legs-for-flyers.html Folks, it's another case of Penis Enlargement Naturally Induced Shock (PENIS) I'm afraid. <a href="http://groups.diigo.com/group/vburjjpquevcimtbhiee/content/our-mindset-even-though-dieting-to-shed-bodyweight-4176122">workout</a>Individual health insurance coverage has become very expensive over the years to the point where most school facilities who have active sports activities demanded a group insurance to cover all school age children while participating in a school sponsored sports activity. Another thing about the Blackberry Bold Touch is that it possesses a lot of sensors. It's from one of the most trusted and popular news sources in the world.
283. àíîíèìåí - Quick question regarding begorra and plough
18.02.2012 20:03
In the old days, it was prominently the metal and punk rockers and athletes that were heavily inked. <a href=http://www.blogtext.org/malcolmharri1025/article/1192202.html?Excess+fat+Loss+Diet+plans+-+Diverse+Body+fat+Loss+Diets+And+Their+Calorie+Content+material>food</a>Added Skills Which Can Enhance Your Earning Potential http://antoniolane9222472.blog.hr/2012/02/1629995933/seize-my-top-rated-5-dieting-guidelines-to-shed-your-excess-stomach-body-fat-starting-now.html For better or worse, news reporters live in a kind of "bubble" whereby the newsroom is closed off to the general public. <a href="http://www.ziki.com/en/juan-foley+853151/post/Health-Instruct+13837837">food</a>Neil's Dad is definitely gay. However, the danger for news agencies is far from over because they are being rivaled by another creation of the web that comes inthe form of news blogs. Did you know- Under the pressure from the USSR, the Olympic team of Mongolia did not participate in the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles, California (USA).
284. àíîíèìåí - Question about inhospitalities and defoamer
18.02.2012 22:29
And Facebook has other features that make it a fun place to be. [url=http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=ramiromosley614&blogentry_id=211229]diet[/url]Here are a couple of celebrities that are actively blogging. http://refugiobuck1230735.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315895-what-is-the-most-effective-fat-loss-diets Highlanders are bulkier and physically larger. <a href="http://www.ziki.com/en/michael-woodward-3+857998/post/Past-Dieting---+13844210">food</a>But are these energy drinks really effective and do they actually boost your energy levels? In-state tuition is just $6,188; out-of-staters pay $9,143 in tuition. I said, "Sir Paul, I am not taking anymore photos of you out of respect, but I am working on an assignment for a newspaper in London and they want to know everything you do today".
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19.02.2012 00:21
As kids transition into adulthood, they must understand the realities of authority, teamwork and sportsmanship. [url=http://yoursecretlivingzone.tumblr.com/post/17415498974/what-is-the-diet-resolution-plan-about]fitness[/url]Celebrities don't like leeches, but they do like fans, and being a loyal fan involves showing the person you are an asset for him or her. http://mickeyelliot410.yoctown.com/For-Fat-loss-Attempt-Ener.html For example, the colorful gemstone jewelry (including diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds and weighing 630 carats) worn by Amy Adams on her bib necklace is a famous sight and embedded in people's memory. <a href="http://bgm.me/r/730288">weight loss</a>If you're hoping to look like your favorite Star without changing your diet, you'll have a pretty tough road ahead of you. It doesn't matter if they wear it with a tie or bow tie, or loose collar shirt, cufflinks look just as good. Finding the balance between all of these things is the challenge of bloggers everywhere and, when they succeed, is what makes them the celebrities of any SEO strategy.
286. àíîíèìåí - Quick question regarding filleting and muggar
19.02.2012 05:15
All three matches were really exciting, as in the first two test matches of the series India displayed wonderful gaming and did not give any chance to Indies to show their valour. [url=http://bgm.me/r/737135]diet[/url]Be sure to keep note of what budget you have in mind. http://traceyalliso410.yoctown.com/Why-Great-Diet-and-Bodily.html Just find out when your favorite celeb or sports star is cruising. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227765">weight</a>Qatar is sometimes called the "Olympic paradise" in the world. So how can you benefit by business decisions made by your competitors? Tutankhamun's father the famous and mysterious Akhenaten.
287. àíîíèìåí - Question about libelous or shorteners
19.02.2012 19:18
From the list of celebrities listed above only four of them have an actual physical winery that you can go visit. [url=http://mytinylivingspace.onsugar.com/Purchase-Utilized-Daily-life-Physical-fitness-Equipment-Conserve-21723019]health[/url]Of the UK Times and Sunday Times 20 million plus users, 500,000 are now dependent upon their online edition and the gap will close further. http://bgm.me/r/732541 Of course, not everyone views these changes in the news industry as a good thing. <a href="http://www.ziki.com/en/christian-lancaster-2+858380/post/Fitness-Coachin+13844770">diet</a>You must know the first in order to effectively make use of the second. A common protocol is to spend 10 minutes in the ice bath. It has most of the sports and wagering action from NBA to NFL that are big games and is fully federally licensed by the government of Antigua.
288. àíîíèìåí - Looking for cinematographer and damping
19.02.2012 22:12
Unless he's a part of the office pool for March Madness, he may not appreciate just how important that game is. [url=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/evankinney24/read/2437985/four-bad-dieting-routines-result-in-premature-senility]weight[/url]It has 80Km of beautiful beaches. http://damienhays13.yoctown.com/Details-About-Fad-Diet-pr.html This race commemorates the dash by Pheidippides, an ancient courier who brought the news that the Persian Army of Xersis had landed at Marathon. <a href="http://chuckshort615.soup.io/post/230807171/Whats-The-Diet-program-Solution-Program-About">weight</a>This is the best advantage for a businessman on the go. Expertise in the Industry - Generally, people who earn a living in a certain endeavor obtain an expertise in that area. Tony Richardson.
289. àíîíèìåí - Looking for nonmajors and pustule
23.02.2012 18:29
They are always thought of as societies outcasts, and never treated as equals. [url=http://yourlivingzone.tumblr.com/post/17386029130/weight-loss-diet-strategies-7-well-known-diet-plans]food[/url]Expect to work a normal job before being discovered by a talent agent. http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6226751 Imagine what will happen when silver is no longer available to make batteries, refrigerators, air conditioners, plastics, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and solar cells. <a href="http://karlgarner13.yoctown.com/Physical-fitness-Workout.html">workout</a>So will the economy ever take down sports memorabilia collecting? This might sound unattainable, but if you understand a few techniques related to the Law of Attraction it is possible to willfully use the Law to your advantage and turn your finances around. His great monuments are a testament from an ambitious man.
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23.02.2012 19:25
Go GaGa diaper bags have features that are often overlooked by most major players in the diaper bag industry. [url=http://myhealthspace.tumblr.com/post/17385619083/our-mindset-while-dieting-to-shed-fat]weight[/url]Other celebrities who have found their peaceful homes in this area include Elizabeth Hurley, Stella McCartney, and even Prince Charles. http://yourgreatfitnesspage.onsugar.com/Physical-Health-fitness-Cerebral-Palsy-21715074 Did I say every time? <a href="http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=christianlan922&blogentry_id=208853">weight</a>She is a great if not the best business woman in history, and she's adventures by nature. Similar to undergraduate programs, students can get money from private and government sources. The only disadvantage is that you cannot anymore go to places alone.
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23.02.2012 21:01
It is very important to know the right food which will provide the needed nutrients in your body. [url=http://tinyspotlessblog.tumblr.com/post/17454736544/unwanted-fat-reduction-diet-programs-various-excess]workout[/url]It brings the public visibility of your company, your product and services. http://bestlivingzone.blog.com/2012/02/12/what-is-the-diet-plan-remedy-system-about/ The next tip, or step, is all about teaching you the odds. <a href="http://altonsanchez134300.blog.hr/2012/02/1629986802/our-state-of-mind-even-though-dieting-to-lose-bodyweight.html">weight loss</a>Sports watches for men are available with various well known brands today. The way your child feels after being disciplined? If you were to earn 10% on your money for 4 months or 3% on your money for 12 months, the 10% earns more.
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23.02.2012 22:41
Unfortunately, there are times when the referral results in inappropriate consequences. [url=http://yourtinyfitnessblog.onsugar.com/Excess-weight-Get-When-Working-out-21709657]health[/url]They don't have the power to support you. http://bgm.me/r/736500 Many brands understood that a unique line of sunglasses designed for sports was the need of the hour. <a href="http://mygreathealthspace.onsugar.com/Physical-fitness-Teacher-Work-Description-21709830">workout</a>One of the most popular features of People is the 'Sexiest man alive'. If you're looking for a totally hands off approach to your investment, consider that a home without a membership association might be your better choice. The details of the results from the survey are as follows:
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24.02.2012 00:17
Every one of us can work through our sphere of influence to make things happen. [url=http://colbyhobbs2108123.blog.hr/2012/02/1629983790/really-should-i-be-dieting.html]fitness[/url]What's worse is the fact that some of these women have regretted their breasts implants so much that they ended up having them removed. http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/humbertohopp24/read/2437580/rising-your-penis-size-by-means-of-hand-exercising-3-varieties-of-exercises-to-maximise-your-potential In 1518 the smallest engagement ring ever made was presented to the 2 year old Princess Mary who was married by proxy to the young Dauphin of France. <a href="http://danteweaver410.insanejournal.com/288.html">workout</a>Protein plays a fundamental role in building up strength and muscles mass, which could be lost if you were to follow a physically active lifestyle without taking in these basic building blocks essential to repairing fatigued and ripped muscle tissue, and building it back stronger. Athletes attended to their physical health as well as to those of their team mates. Marketers and advertisers see sports a trend and a vital tool to reach consumers these days.
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24.02.2012 02:08
Etisalat ( Banky W- Artiste) [url=http://bgm.me/r/732574]weight[/url]When the infertility news have reached them, couples must not let it get to their nerves. http://community.atom.com/Post/Fat-Obtain-When-Exercising/03EFBFFFF025A013A0008018870C0 Healthcare insurance <a href="http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=michaelwoodw1128&blogentry_id=208426">weight</a>In this game, fatigue will not be carried over when the weapons are changed. But what if you are a beginner at a particular sport or you are interested in the past about your sport? These autographed sports rookie cards are randomly inserted into any pack as a promotional strategy for card manufacturers.
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24.02.2012 02:32
Keeping up with financial statistics and analysis helps maintain business profitability. [url=http://community.atom.com/Post/For-Weight-reduction-Attempt-Power-Yoga/03EFBFFFF0259DCC5000801886219]weight loss[/url]Consumer confidence surveys http://damienhays13.xanga.com/758968484/details-about-fad-diet-plans/ Being physically active contributes to about 60-70% of shedding of unwanted pounds. <a href="http://sheldonblanc75.soup.io/post/230239796/Physical-fitness-Education-Get-Super-Fit">health</a>If you are worried because your bills are overdue or you feel depressed, its best to not work on your affirmations. People have created three labels (type 1, type 2A, type 2B) for classifying muscle fibers, but in actuality there is a whole twitch speed spectrum of far more than three types of fibers. She is a prominent figure in the fashion industry as she offers advice to some of the most famous Hollywood celebrities, fashion houses and beauty firms.
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24.02.2012 04:44
There are 30, 60, or 90 day money back guarantees. [url=http://kennithhewit11.soup.io/post/230803761/Pilates-and-Bodily-Physical-fitness]health[/url]Article marketing and online visibility is the topic today. http://yourlittlehealthspace.onsugar.com/Weekly-Health-fitness-Article-Stronger-Legs-Flyers-21722433 One thing to be careful about is that Google will not give you consideration if you have taken contents from other sites without authorization. <a href="http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/traceyalliso410/read/2438051/why-very-good-nutrition-and-physical-health-is-important-to-excellent-wellness">health</a>Disadvantages of a sports bra review The exception does not apply to payments made for attorney's fees, and amounts paid to a corporation that provides medical or health care services (subject to certain exceptions). South American folk are lucky to still be able to enjoy these beautiful creatures streaming across the skies and fluttering around the rain forests.
297. àíîíèìåí - Quick question regarding magnesiums and terpenic
24.02.2012 06:20
You "sold" yourself. [url=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1366294/journal]workout[/url]Richard, you son of a b. http://yoursecretlivingzone.onsugar.com/Four-Negative-Dieting-Habits-Lead-Premature-Senility-21722999 Real celebrity Twitter accounts usually have many followers and follow few people. <a href="http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1354865/journal">health</a>This is important because most of the items and equipment used in basketball are either moist or wet. Conventionally, most home owners, especially those belonging to the older generation are used to reading the daily newspaper in print in order to stay updated with current global news. Softball jerseys sometimes exhibit a buttoned up round neck.
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24.02.2012 07:28
Madden NFL 11 [url=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/ramiromosley614/read/2464316/weight-reduction-does-not-have-to-be-difficult]weight loss[/url]Recent Innovations in Epson Thermal POS Printers http://malcolmharri1025197.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315675-fat-loss-diet-programs-various-body-fat-reduction-diets-and-their-calorie-content-material One common treatment is a brace, which will prevent the teen athlete from bending his or her back. <a href="http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/malcolmharri1025/read/2437786/fat-reduction-diet-programs-distinct-body-fat-reduction-diets-and-their-calorie-content">fitness</a>Swimming and cycling are two excellent options. After you finish your residency you then move into a fellowship which allows you to choose your specific specialty and fine-tune your craft. I want them to be fully prepared when they enter the sports ground.
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24.02.2012 08:39
Everyone is aware of cricketing achievements. [url=http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6184419]workout[/url]Many kids are aware of this problem. http://groups.diigo.com/group/ctehxgdqljaipesfjcqo/content/weight-loss-diet-program-programs-7-well-liked-diet-plans-ideas-to-select-from-4176177 But, then again as said before; there are ageless beauties in Hollywood. <a href="http://groups.diigo.com/group/ugdkkrgtefldpqiityvi/content/health-and-fitness-training-get-tremendous-match-4184912">weight</a>Reports attribute the increased attendance and overall support to cuts in some areas related to the economy. This starter kit includes a dock and rotating car seat for a newborn that installs quickly while providing your baby with the highest level of safety. With this in perspective there should be a greater anticipation for journalism and SEO to co-exist.
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24.02.2012 10:58
Since they need to eat something for health reasons, they turn to smoothies and salads. [url=http://mohammadroy24.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=26952]food[/url]For instance, "rattan" is a material commonly used in making woven bags. http://thesecrethealthzone.tumblr.com/post/17452870851/beyond-dieting-your-physique-as-the-finest-supply-of Additionally, sports nutrition can be complemented with factory-made supplements such as creatine or whey protein. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227765">weight</a>Can I get tips and hints for any of the games? Social networking sites structure our communication effectively to make our thoughts more streamlined. This is because most of your testosterone is bound to something called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which makes testosterone unable to have any effect on the anabolic process.
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24.02.2012 11:34
Students that want to participate in the sport can carry around bags of candy and sell them to their friends, family and classmates. [url=http://dextercraig410.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=30184]weight loss[/url]The industry needs qualified individuals to ensure those dollars are earned, spent, and invested back into the right channels. http://danteweaver4104145.blog.hr/2012/02/1629991674/major-facts-regarding-the-paleo-diet-program.html If you are looking for signed sports apparel then you will probably have better luck online. <a href="http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=ramiromosley614&blogentry_id=211229">diet</a>Space to be surprised in many ways. In my area we even promote the local area High School Sports on their own television show. She is also the girlfriend of new superstar of India Ranbir Kapoor.
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24.02.2012 13:40
You can also enjoy life like celebrities if you have bright colored tooth. [url=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362271/journal]fitness[/url]Duh you say! http://www.ziki.com/en/ramiro-mosley+860815/post/Weight-loss-Doe+13847864 They along with normal stresses of everyday life have to deal with newspapers, managers, critics, media, and not to mention that every single thing that they say is recorded down. <a href="http://mybesthealthyblog.onsugar.com/Physical-fitness-Instruction---Get-Tremendous-Fit-21690991">health</a>The color would likely go well with other accessories or jewelry he's wearing- his wristwatch or bracelet perhaps, or signet ring, or necklace. Botox can be used This can result in injury and exhaustion.
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25.02.2012 00:00
The big, serious man was now moving more quickly towards me. [url=http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6204459]diet[/url]Download it for free, play with it for a while and you'll understand what I'm talking about. http://michaelwoodw1128.soup.io/post/231084164/Past-Dieting-Your-Body-As-the-Very These lighting products offer illuminating and soft glow lighting while allowing you to show off your team spirit and loyalty with decorative pieces you can be proud to display. <a href="http://eduardozamor37730.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12286295-working-out-our-brains">diet</a>Do they even enjoy playing sports? It's here that the basketball games took place. Who you want to marry, where you want to go on holiday, what car you want to drive, where you want to work, who you want to sleep with.
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25.02.2012 00:19
A heavy liberal population watches MSNBC, so they are tailoring their reporting to their audience and Fox News has done the same. [url=http://mickeyelliot410645.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12286429-for-fat-loss-attempt-energy-yoga]diet[/url]We collect for multiple reasons. http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227521 The ads are less expensive, they advertiser has exclusivity in their area the week there ad is running, ads are being read three times per day as people are eating different meals, all ad sizes are the same allowing fair exposure and the reader typically reads the entire print due to it's small size. <a href="http://edwinmcdonal1026.yoctown.com/What-exactly-is-The-Diet.html">weight loss</a>The shame she feels is the dread of being exposed as one who carries and enacts this secret aggression against the mother. As you fall from the sky you control your Mii by holding the control horizontal and tilting it upwards and downwards. The personal trainer also keeps a watch on your exercise routine and makes changes to avoid monotony that makes exercise fun and enjoyable.
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25.02.2012 01:57
Detoxification helps in cleansing of the body as well as weight loss. [url=http://mybesthealthyblog.onsugar.com/Physical-fitness-Instruction---Get-Tremendous-Fit-21690991]food[/url]In order to become a sport, it must have a large audience; and the graphic design of StarCraft is great for televise. http://yourbestfitnessblog.tumblr.com/post/17388010228/exercising-your-memory-the-best-and-wrong-strategy-to Do you have 5000 subscribers on you tube. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6230299">weight</a>However, it is important that the food you eat is healthy, nourishing, and promotes higher energy levels. To be fair, as Fox News anchors show, there is a lot of self censorship and dumbing down to remain on the job. Below are some of the ways in which celebrities can influence your teenager:
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25.02.2012 05:45
New trends always bring different colors and shades. [url=http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227663]food[/url]Looking at these star examples below, you can start to see how you might do the same. http://community.atom.com/Post/Main-Facts-In-regards-to-the-Paleo-Diet/03EFBFFFF025A06E5000801888AAC Teeth whitening toothpastes, strips, gels and many other products just cannot perform as fast as the whitening products that Hollywood actors use. <a href="http://www.incompany.com/blog.php?user=sergiostokes820&blogentry_id=204100">weight loss</a>This fabric easily absorbs the moisture from the one using it. Of which, celebrities glasses are some of the most popular groups, beloved by people who always want to imitate those famous people. )If you are interested in making money through stocks, foreign exchange and currencies, then you have to be a lit more interested in the news.
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25.02.2012 08:06
Their positive use has also been documented across a whole range of other medical conditions, illnesses and diseases. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/humberto-hopper+857077/post/Growing-Your-Pe+13844313]fitness[/url]They ensure the screen is waterproof whilst also ensuring the internal temperatures of the enclosure are never too high or too low from the optimum for the device-regardless of the ambient conditions. http://antoniolane9222472.blog.hr/2012/02/1629995933/seize-my-top-rated-5-dieting-guidelines-to-shed-your-excess-stomach-body-fat-starting-now.html Ok, I know this is a tough one to believe when today we see so many celebrities in the news going in and out of rehab. <a href="http://raulwhite1127583.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12291416-weight-loss-diet-plan-ideas-7-well-liked-diet-programs-programs-to-select-from">weight loss</a>You can change it here back to 'All of your friends and pages'. He looks into his wife's eyes, the scene is captivating, not because of two beautiful actors, not because of that dramatic moment, but because of his pure machismo. Twitter co-founder Evan Williams said of Twitter's credibility issue: "Anonymity was a key thing for the people there (Twitter).
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25.02.2012 09:23
These masterpieces then commonly become a talking point around the world and may further set a trend in bridal attire. [url=http://colbyhobbs210.obolog.com/]health[/url]You shouldn't be ashamed that you enjoy tracking the latest scoops throughout the day. http://edwinmcdonal1026.over-blog.com/pages/what-is-the-diet-program-resolution-program-about-6654155.html Newer machines features cutting edge computerized programs to fit ability levels and individual needs. <a href="http://hiddenhealthsite.tumblr.com/post/17451403616/grab-my-best-5-dieting-ideas-to-lose-your-extra-stomach">diet</a>Always keep in mind that these supplements only aid you in reaching the maximum of your physical activities. Every athlete is a person with favorite brands, products, and hobbies; the aligning of those exact or similar brands with the athlete to target fans and certain audiences offers great mutually beneficial and lucrative relationships. Keep doing this until you find exactly what you are looking for at the right price.
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25.02.2012 10:48
The battle consists of ambushes, MI-24 helicopters, and the objective of pushing the Russians back. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/raul-white-6+852810/post/Weight-loss-Die+13837688]weight loss[/url]Psychology & injury prevention: http://myhiddenlivingsite.tumblr.com/post/17373851437/facts-about-fad-diet-programs Ohio State University - Another fellowship program offered through a top medical university. <a href="http://kennithhewit117441.blog.hr/2012/02/1629991809/pilates-and-bodily-physical-fitness.html">workout</a>You should also be involved in some supportive diet and exercise habits like weightlifting, dancing, swimming, running, cardiovascular etc. Seven: CEFs, and the securities they own, are much less liquid than equities. The industry needs qualified individuals to ensure those dollars are earned, spent, and invested back into the right channels.
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25.02.2012 13:16
Once you know a little more about this coveted game reserve, it is no surprise to learn that it has become a favourite of international celebrities and holidaying royalty. [url=http://christianlan922.over-blog.com/pages/fitness-education---get-super-match-6649151.html]weight[/url]Like Dikembe Mutombo (Democratic Republic of Congo), Tracy Mc Grady (United States) and Luis Scola (Argentina), he is one of the best players in the world. http://altonsanchez13016.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12291283-our-mindset-while-dieting-to-lose-excess-weight You can settle things with your friends, cousins, relatives and all fellows who you find are the true readers. <a href="http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/eduardozamor37/read/2379993/working-out-our-brains">weight</a>Do your teens see you worrying about your own weight, body image, or ability to succeed? Father's Day is just around the corner in North America and you have less than 30 days to look for a special gift for your sports loving dad. Another factor to consider is that using the internet for news means tailoring your news experience.
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25.02.2012 14:43
These 'over flogged marketing strategies', have propelled a few to look towards the direction of the celebrities (especially those in the Entertainment circuit) to invoke a Sales- Reload needed to thrust them far ahead of their competitors. [url=http://eduardozamor371101.blog.hr/2012/02/1629983993/working-out-our-brains.html]diet[/url]The queen of social media is the most followed celebrity on Twitter and also has a massive Facebook following of 30 million fans. http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/altonsanchez13/read/2388519/our-state-of-mind-while-dieting-to-shed-weight Of course, you might not have the financial budget of your favorite celebrity, but you are also not having to hire the same exact personal trainers that cater to them either. <a href="http://horaceforbes819.yoctown.com/The-Weekly-Fitness-Publis.html">weight loss</a>Nick decided to have his "Paris" covered up with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard. Of course, trying to keep up with celebrities can only successfully be achieved by very wealthy fans but if you are browsing the car dealers for a new car, taking ideas from celebrities can be a good place to start. Of course this is nonsense because celebrities have different backgrounds and personalities.
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25.02.2012 15:57
Their effectiveness has been researched for a long time, and have been associated with anti-aging and the sustaining of youthful-looking skin. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/alton-sanchez-2+852762/post/Our-State-of-mi+13837656]workout[/url]Therefore, keep an eye on news related to US dollars if possible if you are interested in trading the news. http://evankinney24.yoctown.com/Four-Bad-Dieting-Routines.html Angelina Jolie is yet another Hollywood beauty who loves to flaunt her charming bracelets at every occasion. <a href="http://www.blogtext.org/karlgarner13/article/1189640.html?Health+Exercise+Routines">health</a>One known bra for high impact sports bra is the Enell Sports Bra. Creating excellent and cost-effective ad promotions even at short notice. Therefore in a nutshell, the popularity of sports is not at all uniform around the world.
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25.02.2012 18:03
Not all celebrities live in major cities. [url=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1367385/journal]food[/url]Yes, it is true that for centuries people around the world have used Aloe Vera for it's health enhancing properties. http://danteweaver410.over-blog.com/pages/main-facts-regarding-the-paleo-diet-plan-6641813.html Franchise is a common word or concept in the Business arena. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227141">health</a>Basketball games are decided in the last 5 minutes and the ones that are decided earlier where mortal locks to win anyways. Planned, strategic time off does not have much negative affect on the athletic performance qualities. Britney Spears, after having her second child received an abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck.
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25.02.2012 19:59
Don't call the newsroom and ask for the News Director of the main anchor. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/ken-valdez-1+857189/post/Pick-the-best-D+13844370]health[/url]The name Rachael comes from the Hebrew word, "rachil", which means lamb or sheep. http://community.atom.com/Post/Unwanted-fat-Burning-Diets--Will-the-Fat-Burning-Furnace-Offer-you-the-best-Fat-Burning-Results/03EFBFFFF025A01DB00080188714C I have to just say it and that is celebrities live their lives being bullied. <a href="http://kenvaldez410659.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315731-choose-the-proper-diet-strategy-mediterranean-diet-assessment">food</a>Whether you are looking for Ice watches, Rotary watches, or any other make, you are sure to find a celebrity wearing one, and now you can do the same. Many news reporters are taught to shoot videos and to write news stories that can be published in the online publication also. Since the media keeps endorsing such fabulous footwear, more consumers revive their wardrobe by taking out their classic pump shoes and blending it with their desired outfit.
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25.02.2012 22:32
Ohio State has brought home championship wins in all three of the biggest men's sports: basketball, football, and baseball. [url=http://yourspotlessspace.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/what-is-the-most-effective-weight-loss-diets/]weight[/url]Since many online sportsbooks aren't publicly traded companies and a number of them are based in the Caribbean, this can be a pretty difficult task to find out. http://malcolmharri1025.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=30156 It is the biggest online sportsbook in the world that offer online casino, horse racing, poker room and mobile client. <a href="http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/alexanderham512/read/2389146/bodyweight-obtain-when-working-out">workout</a>Apart from outerwear, innerwear is most important because if one is not comfortable from the inside, then outer show has no meaning. They need a vivid description and guidance of what to do and what not to do when it comes to applying for government jobs. If after taking some training you still feel afraid and uneasy, then probably the sport you have chosen is just not for you.
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26.02.2012 00:55
Thanks to Oprah acai berry has surged in popularity and now every day people like you and I can experience the same kind of results. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/mickey-elliott-12+847467/post/For-Weight-redu+13836228]diet[/url]As whiplash affects individuals differently, chiropractors begin whiplash treatment with an assessment of your injury in order for your personalized healing plan to be created. http://community.atom.com/Post/Really-should-I-Be-Dieting/03EFBFFFF0259D0FC000801886057 Some of the most popular online sports games include cricket, football, basketball, ping pong etc. <a href="http://michaelwoodw1128.soup.io/post/231084164/Past-Dieting-Your-Body-As-the-Very">health</a>Do you have an athletic teen? Essentially it's an automated search function that searches the web for new content that has the words in it you specify when you're setting up a search area. So it is often advised that caring parents should consult the professional shoe provider before buying sports shoes for the juniors.
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26.02.2012 03:10
At grass-roots level, a sense of belonging can be a valuable source of encouragement to young athletes who perhaps lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. [url=http://community.atom.com/Post/What-is-The-Diet-program-Remedy-Program-About/03EFBFFFF025A348200080188D7AB]health[/url]Sports injuries of the foot are just as common, but are not as well known. http://juanfoley37.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=25234 For example, where you possess an interest in: <a href="http://thebesthealthyzone.tumblr.com/post/17319925475/weight-loss-doesnt-need-to-be-tough">diet</a>Although they are forced to pay investors a higher rate of interest, the Fed picks up a third of it. This is of particular concern at the interface of "traditional" and "new network economy" business models, where one focuses on the value of information itself, whereas the latter assumes that information is freely available and the value comes from the service to provide and organise it. Michael McIntyre: Hello Wembley
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26.02.2012 04:21
This might be partially true but the real reason was the lack of attitude more than anything. [url=http://smallhealthysite.onsugar.com/Select-correct-Diet-plan-Strategy---Mediterranean-Diet-plan-Critique-21722987]weight loss[/url]Every sporting team needs and wants sponsors to help grow their team. http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/edwinmcdonal1026/read/2464942/whats-the-diet-program-remedy-program-about Whey protein is extremely popular and this is high in protein, while being low in carbohydrates and fat. <a href="http://groups.diigo.com/group/rembajuuxgnqkbxmaxej/content/for-weight-loss-try-power-yoga-4173788">health</a>Take the time to get the right bra for you and you'll be glad you did, whether you jog, bike or spend a lot of time chasing your two-year-old. When you start, your 'following' could be small but that is far better than not monitoring what's been said about you at all! If you order online, the shipping is fairly quick, you get them in about a week's time.
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26.02.2012 06:10
Celebrity cruises are more expensive compared to a standard Mediterranean cruise, therefore you have to consider carefully and budget the cost before you book it. [url=http://kenvaldez410659.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12315731-choose-the-proper-diet-strategy-mediterranean-diet-assessment]weight loss[/url]There have been a heap of Iraqi Dinar updates for the past two years and one of these is the current trading value of the Iraq currency which is nearly 1175 to 1 US dollar. http://edwinmcdonal1026.over-blog.com/pages/what-is-the-diet-program-resolution-program-about-6654155.html Here are 20 foods that can help you with your diet. <a href="http://horaceforbes819.over-blog.com/pages/the-weekly-health-and-fitness-publish-stronger-legs-for-flyers-6648329.html">weight loss</a>Knowing before hand will only make your search easy. Although celebrities are also just human, the spotlight always increases consumer interest. For example: The Stolen Koalas are Found and Returned to the Zoo.
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26.02.2012 08:00
Many people follow family trend, i. [url=http://mytinyhealthblog.tumblr.com/post/17413464765/health-workout-routines]diet[/url]There is the internal mental aspect which involves being confident, being focused, being resilient, remaining disciplined, balanced and relaxed. http://www.ziki.com/en/dante-weaver-1+853865/post/Major-Details-R+13840040 Coffee News is a weekly restaurant publication delivered free of charge to restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, doctors offices, walk in medical clinics, employer break rooms or anywhere people sit, and wait or eat. <a href="http://thesecretfitnesssite.tumblr.com/post/17491124240/fat-loss-doesnt-need-to-be-tough">diet</a>You can tell whom God speaks through based on what is said and to whom the glory is given. Mountain biking 6. Add a wall rack to hold the pool sticks.
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26.02.2012 09:28
This is why most Forex traders will try to capitalize on the release of major news announcements. [url=http://www.blogtext.org/humbertohopp24/article/1192187.html?Growing+Your+Penis+Size+By+way+of+Hand+Exercising+-+3+Varieties+of+Workout+routines+to+maximize+Your]health[/url]After the alarm goes off, and you have brushed your sleep away, the first thing you want to do, is know what is happening in the world around you. http://groups.diigo.com/group/rembajuuxgnqkbxmaxej/content/for-weight-loss-try-power-yoga-4173788 What follows is a description of each condition, its cause, and how it is typically treated. <a href="http://chuckshort615.insanejournal.com/711.html">fitness</a>The third scenario is that GDP misses its estimation and only increases 3. Flights may be delayed or cancelled, equipment or luggage may get stolen or become damaged, and any number of health risks could be presented during the entirety of the trip. Internet news sites have literally destroyed the old trending news model.
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26.02.2012 11:28
If his brain didn't work the way it does, he wouldn't be as funny as he is. [url=http://mohammadroy24791.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12300158-bodily-health-and-fitness-for-cerebral-palsy]weight loss[/url]When the contradictory nature of these two positions is pointed out, they remind the questioner that human emotion is fickle and that because of this ebb and flow in sentiment, we should expect to see such inconsistencies! http://bgm.me/r/730264 These included scores of fires, murders, plane crashes, automobile wrecks and accidents as well as politics and sporting events of all kinds. <a href="http://tinyfitnesspage.tumblr.com/post/17451586244/the-weekly-health-and-fitness-article-stronger-legs-for">weight loss</a>Summing up, as today's world pace speeds up, the leadership styles applied during the previous century, or even twenty years ago, differ substantially from the ones needed to be applied today or in 2020. Details of these mission have been limited as obviously the game is not yet out but the names of the missions have been leaked. It involves a quick, simple procedure in which laser is used to permanently change or correct the shape of the cornea.
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26.02.2012 12:45
You'll learn how to avoid common pitfalls that doom thousands of campaigns every year and the easiest way to generate a lot of money for your team with the least amount of risk, time, and effort. [url=http://chuckshort615.yoctown.com/What-is-The-Diet-regime-R.html]food[/url]In order to do so, however, you need to invest a lot of time and energy to gain an edge. http://humbertohopp24.insanejournal.com/429.html What is the big deal about this diet? <a href="http://chuckshort615.yoctown.com/What-is-The-Diet-regime-R.html">weight</a>If you are not sure that you have what it takes to find a job in the competitive world of sports management, perhaps you are better off getting your graduate degree in something more general, such as business, which will allow for a variety of career options. Never do they fall out of fashion like many accessories have done and continue to do. The simple logic is that the player will not be able to sign any more autographs-limiting the supply of his signed memorabilia in the marketplace.
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26.02.2012 14:03
Who in the world does this? [url=http://www.glbsocial.net/blog.php?user=sergiostokes820&blogentry_id=151456]food[/url]Next time when you look in the mirror, instead of saying "I am obese", say, " I am a miracle just waiting to happen, and when it happens only I can decide". http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1366074/journal News is an obsession for many people, whether it's via newspapers, the internet, mobile phone, TV or radio, most of us devour regular news content throughout the day. <a href="http://antoniolane922.soup.io/post/231082642/Get-My-Leading-5-Dieting-Ideas-To">weight loss</a>Working with a team of analysts, economists, and Wall Street professionals - we often toss the phrase "sports investing" around. Bosnia & Herzegovina - it is about 2 times the size of Vermont- has never won an Olympic medal. You are urged to get only cotton made sports clothes.
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26.02.2012 16:25
This will caused improvement in absorption of your protein and flood your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. [url=http://community.atom.com/Post/Pilates-and-Bodily-Fitness/03EFBFFFF025A08FA000801888B7B]diet[/url]You can choose from one of the 212 accredited colleges. http://alexanderham512536.webs.com/apps/blog/show/12291751-excess-weight-get-when-exercising You can certainly return the swimwear (as long as you don't swim in it! <a href="http://evankinney24.over-blog.com/pages/four-poor-dieting-behavior-lead-to-premature-senility-6648662.html">diet</a>So why are they so worried about 3rd party companies producing cartridges to fit their printers? The new OS is built on Blackberry 6 which includes the latest version of the Blackberry browser. The point was blank and more of higgledy-piggledy in costumes.
326. àíîíèìåí - What are imperatives and torrified
26.02.2012 20:40
If you are always updated when it comes to recruitment news, then it's like you are always in control of the situation and you are the person that guides the direction of the Human Resources of your company. [url=http://kenvaldez410.over-blog.com/pages/select-the-best-diet-regime-plan---mediterranean-diet-regime-review-6648651.html]diet[/url]With butt pads, you are just basically putting on the panties that you would already be wearing, only with the extra bit of padding inside. http://michaelwoodw112.insanejournal.com/568.html When a news bulletin pops up on the screen indicating a tornado warning, for example, a child may not understand that the warning is for somewhere else. <a href="http://www.ziki.com/en/dwight-hatfield-2+853187/post/Excess-fat-Burn+13837806">weight loss</a>Once in a while, people want a criticism of their favorite trading scheme. Integrated with advance ESPN feature which will give you sports update, news and score along with the capability to run NBA franchise to manage and take decision for team. A celebrity may be in your city promoting a book, touring a show, working in the production of a movie or TV show, vacationing or visiting friends and family.
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26.02.2012 21:10
Everyone is aware of cricketing achievements. [url=http://mybesthealthyblog.onsugar.com/Physical-fitness-Instruction---Get-Tremendous-Fit-21690991]fitness[/url]There were celebrations for Qatar, after he won the gold medal. http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362915/journal There is also a dedicated section tackling stocks, mutual funds and even an economic calculator. <a href="http://colbyhobbs210.insanejournal.com/467.html">food</a>Many forums are springing up all over the place, and some of the talk states that the PlayStation 4 release date is May, 2012. Banks have done it with the difference in currency for a very long time. For a graphic designer, this is something which is always available in libraries to be used by multitude of people again and again.
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26.02.2012 23:16
This is what makes arbitraging possible. [url=http://raulwhite1127.posterous.com/weight-loss-diet-plan-strategies-7-well-known]fitness[/url]But, for Spreadex, it is not merely about financial spread betting, it is also about sports betting. http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362321/journal Following is a list of a few potential careers for you to consider. <a href="http://www.blogtext.org/traceyalliso410/article/1192230.html?Why+Good+Nourishment+and+Bodily+Fitness+Is+Important+to+Very+good+Wellness">food</a>Still, if you're an introvert the idea of spending your days networking may make you squeamish. Security cameras now have joined the growing list of WiFi devices. Ask friends and colleagues what sportsbooks they have used in the past and what's been good and bad.
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27.02.2012 00:48
After all, an athlete is unlikely to under-achieve through fear of the familiar! [url=http://yourbestfitnessspace.tumblr.com/post/17461116794/easier-fat-loss]weight loss[/url]F1 LIVE RACING http://yourgreatfitnesspage.onsugar.com/Physical-Health-fitness-Cerebral-Palsy-21715074 These cases are perfect for displaying balls such as basketballs, soccer balls, and footballs, as such items can not be placed in a wall case. <a href="http://dextercraig410.over-blog.com/pages/get-employed-daily-life-fitness-gear-and-conserve-6648674.html">workout</a>Even famous people such as actors and musicians have their own celebrity tattoos. The Forex market is extremely sensitive to the flow of news that is related to it, and major short-term currency moves are almost always preceded by changes in fundamental views influenced by the news. Functional design - facilitates a smooth transition between breaking news, on the Podium, Multimedia, Current Issues and Blogs.
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27.02.2012 04:08
Other times when price action swings in a volatile fashion is during times of political unrest such as the recent Egypt Riot, Greece Fiscal Crisis, or natural disasters as in the case of Japan's recent massive Tsunami and earthquake off the Northeastern Coast of Sendai. [url=http://damoncurry1127.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=30164]diet[/url]However, the life expectancy of Japanese men this year, down from fourth to fifth. http://humbertohopp24.yoctown.com/Rising-Your-Penis-Size-By.html The overwhelming feeling, however, should be that children are involved to enjoy the sport, not to train up. <a href="http://community.atom.com/Post/Past-Dieting--Your-Body-Because-the-Best-Source-of-Natural-Non-Diet-plan-Excess-weight-Control/03EFBFFFF025A218500080188B30C">workout</a>If you throw your first pitch as a, strike your edge goes up a bit more. Some people wonder if LeBron is half as good of an athlete as his hype has him made out to be. One of the most useful frameworks for understanding the power of leaders was developed by John French and Bertram Raven.
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27.02.2012 06:13
Her trademark "low blow" was the secret weapon that allowed her to win the Intercontinental Championship title twice. [url=http://bgm.me/r/732541]weight[/url]First let's discuss about the grammatical features of headlines. http://malcolmharri1025.soup.io/post/231094109/Excess-fat-Loss-Diet-programs-Diverse-Body Personal trainer is one expert, who not only keeps a tab on your exercise regime but also shows up everyday and motivates you to workout. <a href="http://colbyhobbs210.obolog.com/">workout</a>An individual interested in becoming a scout is typically recommended to attain a mentor to help the individual understand the field completely. Once the race opened to teams, the Italians had a head start and a good foundation on how to create a winning vehicle. Pulse News Reader
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27.02.2012 07:47
They have embraced the concept of brand building (and protection), marketplace communications and conversations - opting for direct contact via sources like online Social Engines. [url=http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/mohammadroy24/read/2408488/bodily-fitness-for-cerebral-palsy]food[/url]If you think you are not comfortable with a bodyguard for some reason, avoid hiring him/her. http://community.atom.com/Post/Less-difficult-Weight-reduction/03EFBFFFF025A1ACB00080188B46E It sure has gotten celebrities such as Lil Wayne and Jamie Foxx interested. <a href="http://www.jukeboxalive.com/blog.php?blog_id=6227663">weight</a>A cyclist should get frames with a slight tint but not too much so he can still see the trail in front of him. These masterpieces then commonly become a talking point around the world and may further set a trend in bridal attire. In grad school, the same thing happened on a shorter call, when I was selling office supplies.
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27.02.2012 08:40
I've found that whether I'm doing them myself or supervising my athletes, a set number of repetitions works better. [url=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1362986/journal]diet[/url]Some of the houses are built in Tudor style, still others are Spanish charmers. http://alexanderham512.siterun.eu/index.php?pg=25188 Madonna received an antique three stone diamond band with an ornamented platinum band from Guy Ritchie. <a href="http://damoncurry1127.obolog.com/">workout</a>Get advice from an experienced person as to how and where to buy and sell items. Coverage for sports crimes and theft of equipment Hoarding up random items from here and there will only make it confusing for you.
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27.02.2012 11:36
You may find that your skin has never looked so natural or beautiful. [url=http://www.ziki.com/en/mickey-elliott-12+847467/post/For-Weight-redu+13836228]weight[/url]People like to read entertainment and political news sites. http://altonsanchez13.over-blog.com/pages/our-state-of-mind-even-though-dieting-to-lose-excess-weight-6639055.html They are not left with much choice though, because so long as a person has access to a cheap mobile phone that can access the internet, and most do, they will most of the time prefer to get their news variety from there. <a href="http://www.iamsport.org/pg/blog/kennithhewit11/read/2408774/pilates-and-bodily-health">workout</a>Its nutrition is the key to those unbelievable weight loss results displayed by celebrities. Your waist measurement is influenced by both your under-skin (subcutaneous) abdominal fat and the intestinal fat. Sports fence also has to have excellent safety features to protect players, spectators and equipment.
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27.02.2012 13:31
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As popular and fun as these sports are, they can also be quite dangerous and can result in accidents. [url=]losing weight[/url]Others hoard items, and still others can have more violent tendencies. Gadgets, green tech, scientific research and many more fun topics can fill your iPhone with plenty of fun news to read about. <a href="">dieting</a>The fit must be perfect for optimum performance. This gets you email alerts on the latest breaking news in the business and finance sector. So lets get to it.
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01.03.2012 10:54
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01.03.2012 13:04
Now, to be honest, most celebs spend 7-15 hours a week at the gym, and sometimes more. [url=http://www.machigumi.net/groups/6c895/wiki/b423a/The_Controversy_of_Crash_Diet_programs__Really_should_You_or_Ought_to_You_Not.html]weight loss information[/url]Respect All, Fear None http://www.machigumi.net/groups/6c895/wiki/b423a/The_Controversy_of_Crash_Diet_programs__Really_should_You_or_Ought_to_You_Not.html Copy the Celebs and Boost Your Style <a href="http://www.machigumi.net/groups/6c895/wiki/b423a/The_Controversy_of_Crash_Diet_programs__Really_should_You_or_Ought_to_You_Not.html">exercise to lose weight</a>Here are the five things to watch out about most: It should be a relatively short session done once per week or even less. As a courier, or any driver for that matter, it is important to stay safe by following simple safety guidelines, and these can help to save lives.
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01.03.2012 14:35
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01.03.2012 17:02
Did you know- Taekwondo, an Olympic sport, is a popular sport in Costa Rica and Guatemala. [url=http://www.thulesidekick.info/2011/12/25/intelligent-ways-to-decrease-excess-weight-subsequent-the-efficient-a-diet-program/]exercise to lose weight[/url]Human growth hormone has become extremely popular in recent years. http://www.thulesidekick.info/2011/12/25/intelligent-ways-to-decrease-excess-weight-subsequent-the-efficient-a-diet-program/ Learn to unwind by doing exercises such as yoga which would help to relax the body and mind. <a href="http://www.thulesidekick.info/2011/12/25/intelligent-ways-to-decrease-excess-weight-subsequent-the-efficient-a-diet-program/">exercise to lose weight</a>Even if the in-home reporter does source their material, how does the reader really know if this source is accurate? On the other hand, the outdoor shoes are more rigid, so they are not recommended for fitness moves or indoor gymnastics. In all honesty, there is nothing more enduring than having to play the best of sports games and catching up with friends on the field.
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01.03.2012 19:04
Unless you spend time with your favorite celebrity, you really don't know them. [url=http://bowtrolexposed.com/tag/weight-loss/feed]losing weight[/url]If you are interested in having your own collection of items but have no idea as to what kind of item to collect, then hobby collectible news can provide you with enough guidance on the kind of collectibles available, their demand for it in the market and hobby values. http://bowtrolexposed.com/tag/weight-loss/feed Under leadership of Wyclef Jean and Lauryn Hill, The Fugees had several hits in the 1990s, including The Score (The Score album sold 6 million copies). <a href="http://bowtrolexposed.com/tag/weight-loss/feed">how to lose weight</a>In another case of Penis Enlargement Gone Wild, another woman has fallen victim to an overly large penis size. Every summer, children and adults participate in various outdoor activities to enjoy this time away from the stress of school projects, exams, and other goings-on in universities and colleges. Did you know- During the years from 1982 to 2010, the women's volleyball squad of the Dominican Republic has moved from being one of the three best Caribbean teams to being one of the world's three best national teams, ahead of many Latin American and Asian nations, among them Peru, South Korea, Japan, Argentina, and Mexico.
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02.03.2012 00:04
Highlights of these matches are in great demand. [url=http://www.samdearborn.com/groups/test1/wiki/1f80a/How_a_Detox_Diet_Functions__Lose_weight_Quick_Enhance_Vitality_and_even_more.html]how to lose weight[/url]For a graphic designer, this is something which is always available in libraries to be used by multitude of people again and again. http://www.samdearborn.com/groups/test1/wiki/1f80a/How_a_Detox_Diet_Functions__Lose_weight_Quick_Enhance_Vitality_and_even_more.html All of these treatments are part of the latest macular degeneration news that anyone suffering from this debilitating disease will benefit from. <a href="http://www.samdearborn.com/groups/test1/wiki/1f80a/How_a_Detox_Diet_Functions__Lose_weight_Quick_Enhance_Vitality_and_even_more.html">follow a diet</a>As a nurse you would be able to help individuals like these fight cancer and help shed a little bit of light in the time of need. Mobile apps for sports can notify fans when important news has broken regarding their favorite teams or players, keeping them informed. You know how they are feeling about what just happened.
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02.03.2012 01:38
It is important for the parents to research the type of affordable health insurance their school system offers for protection for the active sports minded child because each school has its own variable health insurance policy on record. [url=http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html]weight loss[/url]Promotional modeling boost the girls confidence and allows them to make great contacts while working. http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html Elderly people are susceptible fractures as well-particularly due to osteoporosis and falls, which may require fracture humerus treatment, and can avoid bone injury through exercise and improving bone health. <a href="http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html">weight loss information</a>Coach: $20,000-$400,000+ (College) and $20,000-$70,000 (high school) Golfers should wear copper or violet colored lenses. Physiology Research
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02.03.2012 03:04
As such, rather than prohibiting a commentator's ability to donate to political campaigns, the information about a commentator's donations should just be made public, and possibly identified when the reporter is on screen. [url=http://www.mysterypatterns.com/articles/5-lethal-mistakes-with-a-diet-avoid-these-kinds-of-mistakes-and-get-your-perfect-body-lightning-quick]weight loss[/url]There is also an online hub which allows users of this game to interact with each other on the forum, share notes, tips and also socially interact in this keenly and heavily networked world of ours. http://www.mysterypatterns.com/articles/5-lethal-mistakes-with-a-diet-avoid-these-kinds-of-mistakes-and-get-your-perfect-body-lightning-quick In addition, the students involved in sports had a higher chance of graduating high school and college. <a href="http://www.mysterypatterns.com/articles/5-lethal-mistakes-with-a-diet-avoid-these-kinds-of-mistakes-and-get-your-perfect-body-lightning-quick">diets</a>Suki Products: But if you decide to go that way, don't include anything that might be offensive. From being just time pieces they've become co-assistants to help the sportsman through his sport.
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02.03.2012 05:09
While that is absolutely true, numerous factors can affect the both the supply and demand, and subsequently the price, for the product. [url=http://newslabx.csie.ntu.edu.tw/groups/realtimepublishsubscriptionfordisastermanager/wiki/6f44d/Calorie_Shifting_Diet_regime.html]follow a diet[/url]How do you find out about these fundraising opportunities? http://newslabx.csie.ntu.edu.tw/groups/realtimepublishsubscriptionfordisastermanager/wiki/6f44d/Calorie_Shifting_Diet_regime.html Being specific about the kind of property will help in making your search refine and narrow. <a href="http://newslabx.csie.ntu.edu.tw/groups/realtimepublishsubscriptionfordisastermanager/wiki/6f44d/Calorie_Shifting_Diet_regime.html">diet</a>There's a lesson to be learned from these politicians. They also offer their clients to get any written material to be engraved on the trophies. Such is the anticipation for this little magic pill, advance online orders have reached 30,000 so far.
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02.03.2012 06:18
You have the choice to hide either an application or all the posts of a specific friend. [url=http://www.fluorescentlamp.info/tag/exercise/]how to lose weight[/url]Two images Americans love are: an inner-city kid on a cracked concrete court working his jump shot over and over through a netless rim; or a farm boy whacking a baseball against the door of a desultory barn until the cover is worn off the ball and the paint off the door. http://www.fluorescentlamp.info/tag/exercise/ This may sound harsh but once you see the logic in all of this you can move forward with actually getting your girlfriend to come back to you. <a href="http://www.fluorescentlamp.info/tag/exercise/">exercise to lose weight</a>It is capable of safeguarding your trip whenever emergencies strike. However, when you have completed your final mix you will need to begin the edit on your final product to make it "ready-for-prime-time. The latest events on any part of the globe can be easily pinpointed and accessed by viewing the different sections and through a handy search box.
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02.03.2012 07:13
One of the most important first steps to becoming a winning sports bettor is specializing. [url=http://www.epicug.org/groups/infovision/wiki/5a608/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Stomach_Blast_Diet_plan__Does_It_Function.html]how to lose weight[/url]Each of his investments into betting started out with a sizeable bet and did not return 3 to 1 odds; most of the time his investments yielded only about $50 when he bet an initial $500. http://www.epicug.org/groups/infovision/wiki/5a608/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Stomach_Blast_Diet_plan__Does_It_Function.html For example ankle taping of basketballers. <a href="http://www.epicug.org/groups/infovision/wiki/5a608/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Stomach_Blast_Diet_plan__Does_It_Function.html">diets</a>The men that alcohol beverage companies are targeting fantasize about possessing an attractive model. Well, what I am talking about that you are guilty of is looking at the lovely, big, full and firm breasts of the many celebrities out there. Some other celebrities that have donned their love by inking their skin include Pamela Anderson, Kathy Griffin, and Johnny Depp.
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02.03.2012 09:13
Sadly, many celebrities choose surgeons or surgeries that will allow them to go back to work quickly, but destroy their looks. [url=http://herschelschule.dyndns.org/groups/test1/wiki/f9e2c/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Belly_Blast_Diet__Does_It_Perform.html]weight loss[/url]If getting a 6 pack fast is your primary goal your diet must have 1to 2 cups of raw vegetables to control insulin levels. http://herschelschule.dyndns.org/groups/test1/wiki/f9e2c/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Belly_Blast_Diet__Does_It_Perform.html Don't have prizes - the youngsters will enjoy the activities. <a href="http://herschelschule.dyndns.org/groups/test1/wiki/f9e2c/Josh_Bezonis_7_Day_Belly_Blast_Diet__Does_It_Perform.html">weight loss</a>Sleep irregularities, For the most part, combining holiday cheer and wedding news into one card works very nicely. Senate Ethics-
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02.03.2012 10:55
On top of that, it will just look wrong. [url=http://adapterworld.net/tag/exercise/]weight loss information[/url]My favorite order is whole body, upper body, lower body. http://adapterworld.net/tag/exercise/ (2) Sports memorabilia cards <a href="http://adapterworld.net/tag/exercise/">follow a diet</a>Not only does the surprise engagement party have a great element of drama with the big reveal, it is an easy way to avoid the concern of guests feeling obligated to bring an engagement gift (the custom is that no presents are brought to an engagement party, but some people cannot stand to show up empty-handed). News publishers have claimed that news headlines qualify for copyright protection as original literary works under copyright legislation. It might not come as any kind of shock but Adam Lambert rocks body piercings to match his edgy style.
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02.03.2012 14:45
A news aggregator is a tool or system that collects news contents from different new sources. [url=http://teammcneill.com/groups/test/wiki/43810/Hunger_Diet_program__Does_It_Function_which_is_It_Nutritious_Yes_In_case_you_Do_1_Point_Correctly.html]diets[/url]The hot pink graffiti bag that was released was totally in style in our area when it first came out. http://teammcneill.com/groups/test/wiki/43810/Hunger_Diet_program__Does_It_Function_which_is_It_Nutritious_Yes_In_case_you_Do_1_Point_Correctly.html The benefits of wearing Sports Medical Alert Bracelets are numerous. <a href="http://teammcneill.com/groups/test/wiki/43810/Hunger_Diet_program__Does_It_Function_which_is_It_Nutritious_Yes_In_case_you_Do_1_Point_Correctly.html">how to lose weight</a>What an embarrassment for her! The question that comes up when this is posed is, "does the tenant have the "right" to check a landlord's credit? There is a location called Sun Buggie Fun that rents for around $90 an hour.
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02.03.2012 18:15
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02.03.2012 21:10
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02.03.2012 23:29
Celebrities and cosmetic surgery continually makes headlines. [url=http://www.allusatoday.com/archives/1479215]diet[/url]While producers and writers may reinvent Garfield from time to time, his charm and comic genius never changes. http://www.allusatoday.com/archives/1479215 I'm glad you asked. <a href="http://www.allusatoday.com/archives/1479215">how to lose weight</a>The smaller bets might either pay for the juice or only some of the juice. Adidas Make sure that there is a statistical approach and that you understand what it is and how to use it.
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03.03.2012 00:14
Get the walking habit daily and as soon as you have increased mileage, then you would see some results in two weeks time. [url=http://votejohnwolfe.com/2012/01/going-on-a-diet-secrets-and-techniques-as-well-as-tips/]dieting[/url]Be aware that usually when you lose fat/weight you also lose some strength along with valuable muscle mass. http://votejohnwolfe.com/2012/01/going-on-a-diet-secrets-and-techniques-as-well-as-tips/ Thousands of homes went into foreclosure or were listed as short sales at greatly reduced prices to avoid foreclosure. <a href="http://votejohnwolfe.com/2012/01/going-on-a-diet-secrets-and-techniques-as-well-as-tips/">follow a diet</a>If you edit a blog that accepts submissions from multiple authors, you can list the authors or simply note that you have multiple blog contributors. The point is you are the one that needs to motivate yourself to turn a leaf and become healthier and live a longer happier life. Reebok is a sports wear brand that began life in Cheadle, England in 1890.
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03.03.2012 02:58
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03.03.2012 04:52
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Again, winning your ex back is a behavior that can be learned and corrected, remember! [url=http://thesmallfitnesssite.onsugar.com/Weight-loss-Diet-Strategies---7-Well-liked-Diet-programs-Strategies-choose-from-21709529]weight loss information[/url]For example, new data on the unemployment report may be soon approaching, the previous month's unemployment rate was 10. http://thesmallfitnesssite.onsugar.com/Weight-loss-Diet-Strategies---7-Well-liked-Diet-programs-Strategies-choose-from-21709529 I wonder if the TV celebrity partied with the best of us when she came to town? <a href="http://thesmallfitnesssite.onsugar.com/Weight-loss-Diet-Strategies---7-Well-liked-Diet-programs-Strategies-choose-from-21709529">follow a diet</a>A diet rich in minerals is recommended. Mental imagery can be practiced in the following steps. Most celebrities also perform wellness activities - Yoga and aerobics for diminishing stretch marks has seen increasing popularity these days.
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03.03.2012 06:46
Also known simply as the green turtle, these sea turtles are recognizable by their rounded blunt beaks and the pair of scales found on the forehead between the eyes. [url=http://labs.biodiv.tw/groups/2ab84/wiki/5a1cc/ADHD_Diet_programs_For_kids__Why_They_Work.html]weight loss[/url]These days, there is absolutely no excuse for not knowing the latest local, national and world news. http://labs.biodiv.tw/groups/2ab84/wiki/5a1cc/ADHD_Diet_programs_For_kids__Why_They_Work.html These ornaments are elegant and have an intrinsic appeal that is difficult to ignore. <a href="http://labs.biodiv.tw/groups/2ab84/wiki/5a1cc/ADHD_Diet_programs_For_kids__Why_They_Work.html">losing weight</a>This passionate support for the game is no more evident that in the North East of England, where the fans of Sunderland and Newcastle, live breathe and eat football. Be sure to visit TravelZoo. This order entitles any US citizen to the same rights to investment as an Iraqi citizen.
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Former Spice Girl Victoria "Posh" Beckham [url=http://canberrawebdesign.info/tag/exercise/]exercise to lose weight[/url]Nevertheless, it must have a very good long context to read for. http://canberrawebdesign.info/tag/exercise/ As strange as it may sound, the celebrities who have huge fan followings are the ones who are the healthiest. <a href="http://canberrawebdesign.info/tag/exercise/">follow a diet</a>Under his exceptional play, South Korea won the silver medal in handball in the Olympics in 1988. Even once they get to the water, they may still be eaten by waiting fish. Did you know- Paraguay is home to some popular sportswomen in South America: Rossana de los Rios (tennis), Paola Viveros (taekwondo), Ingrid Meilicke (track & field), Larissa Scharever (tennis), and Natalia Toledo (athletics).
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03.03.2012 11:08
Choose the that has been prepared with the state-of-art formula with less hazardous components that can be used safely at home. [url=http://www.bidibum.com/2012/01/08/dieting-for-you-to-lose-your-current-adore-addresses/]losing weight[/url]According to an expert, a number of companies also use a specific personality to overcome the crisis if their brand faces at some point in time. http://www.bidibum.com/2012/01/08/dieting-for-you-to-lose-your-current-adore-addresses/ At the moment people all over the world want to remain in touch with political and latest breaking news. <a href="http://www.bidibum.com/2012/01/08/dieting-for-you-to-lose-your-current-adore-addresses/">diets</a>Happy Researching, and God Bless. What do I have here? Sports have always been the most favorite activity for everyone and they love them so much that they spend even thousands of dollars just to watch them with their own eyes.
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03.03.2012 12:33
Celebrity collectibles [url=http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html]diets[/url]You'll have a personalized gift, without investing all your time and energy trying to find all the components of the perfect basket on your own. http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html I really liked that story because it illustrated that just because you think you're right - doesn't mean you are - even if other people seem to go think so too. <a href="http://link.trasma.com/groups/tnt/wiki/44d316/Atkins_Diet_Details__How_the_Atkins_Functions.html">diet</a>If you want to protect your financial future, you need to buy silver now. The majority of businesses will be small companies although the IRS will audit large companies as well. Most people in Europe do not understand the cricket game but since it is a world cup, no one can easily criticize it.
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03.03.2012 14:20
These may be young athletes who are not the starters on their high school teams, suffered injuries or are late bloomers. [url=http://www.pinkitics.com/sensation-slow-attempt-heart-wholesome-a-diet/]diets[/url]You should even consider hiring a trainer. http://www.pinkitics.com/sensation-slow-attempt-heart-wholesome-a-diet/ Maintenance and creation of author information, report of news submission is not limited. <a href="http://www.pinkitics.com/sensation-slow-attempt-heart-wholesome-a-diet/">dieting</a>Whether you are an amateur sporting athlete waiting for a big break or a professional one that is soon to compete in a major sporting event, chances are you already have had your fair share of sports injuries. Newspapers, television and social networks all seem to be competing to be the number one source that users go to first for information about the topics that interest them. The short body of this car and the passenger placement nearer the real axle make it both compact and easier to handle at higher speeds than other similar models.
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